Mental health… a file that needs reviewing – Laila Ibrahim Shalaby

by time news

Posted in: Friday, June 3, 2022 – 8:10 PM | Last update: Friday, June 3, 2022 – 8:10 PM

I was struck by the news of that tragic incident that claimed the lives of three children who were slaughtered by their mother, who undoubtedly lost her human consciousness and whose head was occupied by a flood of chemical reactions, those that turn the mind into a time bomb that explodes at any time, as if the hour had come.
Without a doubt, she is mentally and psychologically ill. Which makes you sympathize with her and perhaps overcome your grief for what she has suffered and what she will face later if she survives the injuries she suffered after attempting to commit suicide under an agricultural tractor she encountered on her way, after she went out to the public road fleeing what she did in grief for the little angels. How about what is happening now to the father who lost his entire family in catastrophic circumstances while he was alone making his living abroad.
The mental health file is one of the most important health files, but unfortunately it does not receive the same attention it should in my country as in the countries of the developed world. Even when the comprehensive health insurance project started, I expected that those in charge of it would pay attention to the matter, but I waited for a long time and did not receive any information indicating that there is a clear sign indicating a mental health program.
Awareness of the reality of mental or psychological illness is the cornerstone of the issue, as this poor woman was undoubtedly a victim of mental illness for a long time, which those around her did not notice, first and foremost her husband, of course. There are many examples of personalities living among us and practicing different types of mental illness, while the matter passes easily and society may accept it as a difference in personality, especially in societies where the level of education declines and income is low.
How many children are severely beaten because of their naughtiness and restless movement, and they are in fact hyperactive and distracted?
It is as if autistic children suffer from neglect and are stigmatized with hostility and introvertedness, while they yearn to get out of those glass cages that separate them from what their peers are experiencing from the events around them, but how they are tied to their destinies by completely invisible chains that no one notices. Even the mother does not meet with comfort the repulsion that she faces when she accepts the embrace of her child and does not understand why he does not look in her eyes like the rest of the children.
In our societies, we always strive to diagnose diseases of the body, while diseases of the soul receive a lot of reactions that derive their origins from our cultures.
If it is proven that someone suffers from a mental illness, the first advice to him or his family is to keep praying and reading the Qur’an.
There is no doubt that this is a great psychological comfort for a healthy person, but the patient of the soul will feel guilty, so he must turn to God Almighty for His forgiveness.
Mental illness needs treatment after it is diagnosed, and treatment for depression is very different from, for example, schizophrenia. Also, depression itself has many forms and its treatments vary, so the beginning is always the origin: a proper diagnosis is followed by a successful treatment.
The treatment of mental illness after its diagnosis may require drug therapy or cognitive therapy, so there is a psychiatrist who is familiar with medical and biological information and who can prescribe drugs. He is originally a doctor who studied in medical colleges. There is also a psychologist who studied psychology in theoretical colleges and is based on providing services Cognitive and behavioral guidance benefits many conditions such as anxiety, sleep disturbances and depressive feelings.
There is a third specialist that can be resorted to, which is the psychotherapist, who has to study psychoanalysis with all its theories and works according to many specialized experiences. In the end, mental illnesses, just like diseases of the body, need a decisive diagnosis and treatment, even if it continues for long periods, and this is a possibility and should not be ignored.
In recent years, these tragic incidents have been repeated, some of which were surrounded by Al-Amoud, including what happened in broad daylight. Every time alarm bells ring and voices rise, warning and warning, but the matter remains to the extent that we announce a defect in the mind of the perpetrator of such bloody crimes before announcing the name of the killer and the victim.
There are diseases of the soul that cause diseases of the body in what is known as psychophysical diseases such as digestive disorders, chest pain, joint and muscle pain, there are also physical diseases that disturb the soul, all chronic diseases in the end lead to a feeling of depression. There is also what is known as depression after open heart surgery.
The soul inhabits the body, so harmony remains a human matter governed by the soul, which is a divine command. Concord may last or resolve discord and disappear or appear disease. The health of the soul is not different from the health of the body, both are attacked by a disease that always needs accurate diagnosis followed by treatment.
Psychological diseases are no less important than physical diseases, so the state must take care of the health of the body and the health of the soul, and not neglect the latter at the expense of the former. The state should take seriously the inclusion of mental illnesses in health insurance programs and raise awareness of them, so do not be surprised that our loved ones are secretly suffering from mental illness that is hidden by the health of the body and that we tolerate strange behaviors without verifying their true pathological motives.

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