Mental Health Andalusia launches the SanaMente program

by time news

2024-02-08 08:00:38

WP_Post Object
[ID] => 120465
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2024-02-08 09:00:38
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-02-08 08:00:38
[post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The Andalusian Mental Health Federation has launched the SanaMente project, which was created to promote the active practice of sport through hiking trips to natural environments, promoting the personal daily sport of people with their own experience in mental health through a contest and promoting the purchase of sports equipment for the federated associations. In short, the SanaMente project seeks promote healthy habits between people with mental health problems and their families, improving their quality of life and social inclusion through sport. The federation, based on the evaluations collected from the 2023 satisfaction questionnaire, will promote the following actions:

  • Hiking trips: Renewal of outings to natural environments, where each federated association will manage a bus for the scheduled outing, at the expense of the federation.
  • Purchase of sports equipment: Favoring the purchase of sports equipment for federated associations.
  • Sports contest: Launch of a new edition of the contest to stimulate the daily practice of sport in associations. The person with the most minutes dedicated to sport during the established period will be awarded.

The program is aimed at people with their own experience in mental health, family members and those responsible for the sports area in federated associations. The dates of completion are the following:

  • Hiking trips: From February to mid-October.
  • Purchase of sports equipment: From February to the end of July.
  • Sports contest: From February 6 to May 30.

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[post_title] => Mental Health Andalusia promotes sport with the SanaMente program
[post_excerpt] => With this initiative, the Andalusian federation promotes the active practice of sport through hiking trips to natural environments.
[post_status] => publish
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[post_name] => andalucia-promotes-sports-program-healthily
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[post_modified] => 2024-02-07 15:05:21
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-02-07 14:05:21
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Mental Health Andalusia promotes sport with the SanaMente program

With this initiative, the Andalusian federation promotes the active practice of sport through hiking trips to natural environments.

The Andalusian Mental Health Federation has launched the SanaMente project, which was created to promote the active practice of sport through hiking trips to natural environments, promoting the personal daily sport of people with their own experience in mental health through a contest and promoting the purchase of sports equipment for the federated associations.

In short, the SanaMente project seeks promote healthy habits between people with mental health problems and their families, improving their quality of life and social inclusion through sport.

The federation, based on the evaluations collected from the 2023 satisfaction questionnaire, will promote the following actions:

  • Hiking trips: Renewal of outings to natural environments, where each federated association will manage a bus for the scheduled outing, at the expense of the federation.
  • Purchase of sports equipment: Favoring the purchase of sports equipment for federated associations.
  • Sports contest: Launch of a new edition of the contest to stimulate the daily practice of sport in associations. The person with the most minutes dedicated to sport during the established period will be awarded.

The program is aimed at people with their own experience in mental health, family members and those responsible for the sports area in federated associations.

The dates of completion are the following:

  • Hiking trips: From February to mid-October.
  • Purchase of sports equipment: From February to the end of July.
  • Sports contest: From February 6 to May 30.

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#Mental #Health #Andalusia #launches #SanaMente #program

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