MENTAL HEALTH Castilla y León celebrates the meeting ‘Julia Keep Knitting’

by time news

2023-07-06 10:02:43

WP_Post Object
[ID] => 96474
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2023-07-06 10:02:43
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-07-06 08:02:43
[post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”96476″ img_size=”full” onclick=”link_image”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The ‘Julia Sigue Tejiendo’ meeting, held on June 21, was visited by the General Director for Women, María Victoria Moreno Saugar, together with Beatriz Díaz, provincial deputy for the Family, Dependency and Opportunities Area, and Pilar Martínez, mayoress of La Adrada.

“This is the fifth regional meeting of women who performs the MENTAL HEALTH Federation Castilla y Leónwithin the framework of the ‘JULIA: Rural Women and Mental Health’ Project, in which participants from the training workshops meet, share our experiences and contribute new ideas to continue promoting the women’s networks that are created”claims patricia quintanilla, responsible for the Women’s and Equality Area of ​​the Federation and coordinator of the project. The event also included the participation of the Vice President of FAEMA Mental Health Ávila and member of the Board of Directors of the Federation, Ángela Díaz Galán, a woman with first-hand experience, who has intervened to share with the participants her own personal history and the evolution of her career within the associative movement; together with Ana María Martínez Melero, representative of the State Network of Women for MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“Being a woman, living in a rural environment and having a mental health diagnosis is having all the tickets to suffer some kind of inequality; to suffer some type of discrimination; rather to make a triplet in the condition of vulnerability. This is the reality that we analyze through the ‘Study of Women and Mental Health Needs‘, carried out in 2017 within the associative movement, and the starting point of this project JULIA”, commented, for his part, Quintanilla in his speech to present the history of the JULIA Project. This analytical work evidenced the need to strengthen protection resources against social exclusion and prevention against violence suffered by women, promoting the creation of support networks. One of the main objectives pursued with this initiative is “to encourage all the participating women to ‘come out of invisibility’, although we know that this requires a lot of strength, a lot of will and an almost blind faith in oneself. And that is what we ask of all of us: stop being in the shadows to make ourselves more visible, hand in hand with that inner strength that comes from feeling part of a whole; part of a networkencourages the head of the Women and Equality area of ​​the Federation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”96500″ img_size=”full” onclick=”link_image”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”96482″ img_size=”full” onclick=”link_image”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This meeting ‘Julia Keep Knitting’ comes to give continuity to the workshops that have been carried out within the project, since it started in 2018. “We have reached 350 women who have participated in these training workshops, which have traveled throughout the regional territory, and we continue to bet on giving opportunities to all women regardless of their circumstances because that is living in equality”Quintanilla explains.

Project ‘JULIA: Rural Women and Mental Health’

Since this proposal began in 2018, with four editions developed and 54 workshops, there have already been about 350 women who have been weaving networks of sisterhood, union, listening, support, and creating spaces in which they feel safe, understood and unique. A network whose objective is to reduce the isolation, loneliness and stigma of women with mental health problems in rural areas. Under the acronym JULIA, a 25-hour training itinerary is articulated, taught in the villages themselves, which follows the following stages: TOGETHER, UNIQUE, FREE, INDEPENDENT AND ACTIVE. Project JULIA has developed in the last 5 years workshops in the towns of Barco de Ávila, Cebreros, Navas del Marqués, Sotillo de La Adrada and La Adrada (Ávila); Briviesca, Treviño County, Huerta de Rey, Lerma, Roa and Villarcayo (Burgos); Astorga, Villablino, Bembibre and San Justo de la Vega (León); Guardo, Herrera de Pisuerga, Velilla, Otero de Guardo and Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia); Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca), Ayllón, Villacastín, Riaza and Cuellar (Segovia); Medina de Rioseco, Tudela de Duero, Portillo, Mojados and Rueda (Valladolid); Moral de Sayago and Muga de Sayago (Zamora) and Covaleda (Soria). In addition, the JULIA Project has received various awards and recognitions, the last of which was a special mention in the Queen Letizia National Disability Awards from the Royal Board of Disability, to which others such as the Good Practices Award from the MENTAL HEALTH Confederation are added. SPAIN; 2022 Award, in the CERMI Women’s Foundation category – Action for the benefit of Women with Disabilities; the Meninas Awards 2021, awarded by the Government Delegation of Castilla y León and the Ministry of Equality, or recognition in the XII Solidarity Awards for Women’s Equality for Dialogue and Education (MDE) 2022.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”93070″ img_size=”full” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_btn title=”VOLVER A NOTICIAS” style=”gradient-custom” gradient_custom_color_1=”#ffffff” gradient_custom_color_2=”#ffffff” gradient_text_color=”#005b50″ shape=”square” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-circle-left” add_icon=”true” link=”url:%2Fnoticias%2F|title:NOTICIAS||”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[post_title] => MENTAL HEALTH Castilla y León celebrates the regional meeting ‘Julia Keep Knitting’
[post_excerpt] => About twenty rural women with mental health problems have met in La Adrada (Ávila) at the regional meeting ‘JULIA Sigue Tejiendo’, which is organized every year by the Castilla y León MENTAL HEALTH Federation, within the framework of the Project ‘ JULIA: Rural Women and Mental Health’, on this occasion, together with the entity FAEMA Salud Mental Ávila. This activity is financed by the General Directorate for Women and the Ministry of Family and Equal Opportunities, through its program line “Promotion of equal opportunities between women and men, and prevention of gender violence “.
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[post_modified] => 2023-07-06 10:02:43
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-07-06 08:02:43
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MENTAL HEALTH Castilla y León celebrates the regional meeting ‘Julia Sigue Tejiendo’

Some twenty rural women with mental health problems have met in La Adrada (Ávila) at the regional meeting ‘JULIA Keep Knitting’, which is organized every year by the Castilla y León MENTAL HEALTH Federation, within the framework of the ‘JULIA Project: Rural Women and Mental Health’, on this occasion, together with the entity FAEMA Salud Mental Ávila. This activity is financed by the General Directorate for Women and the Ministry of Family and Equal Opportunities, through its program line “Promotion of equal opportunities between women and men, and prevention of gender violence “.

The ‘Julia Sigue Tejiendo’ meeting, held on June 21, was visited by the General Director for Women, María Victoria Moreno Saugar, together with Beatriz Díaz, provincial deputy for the Family, Dependency and Opportunities Area, and Pilar Martínez, mayoress of La Adrada.

“This is the fifth regional meeting of women who performs the MENTAL HEALTH Federation Castilla y Leónwithin the framework of the ‘JULIA: Rural Women and Mental Health’ Project, in which participants from the training workshops meet, share our experiences and contribute new ideas to continue promoting the women’s networks that are created”claims patricia quintanillaresponsible for the Women’s and Equality Area of ​​the Federation and coordinator of the project.

The event also included the participation of the Vice President of FAEMA Mental Health Ávila and member of the Board of Directors of the Federation, Ángela Díaz Galán, a woman with first-hand experience, who has intervened to share with the participants her own personal history and the evolution of her career within the associative movement; together with Ana María Martínez Melero, representative of the State Network of Women for MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN.

“Being a woman, living in a rural environment and having a mental health diagnosis is having all the tickets to suffer some kind of inequality; to suffer some type of discrimination; rather to make a triplet in the condition of vulnerability. This is the reality that we analyze through the ‘Study of Women and Mental Health Needs‘, carried out in 2017 within the associative movement, and the starting point of this project JULIA”, commented, for his part, Quintanilla in his speech to present the history of the JULIA Project. This analytical work evidenced the need to strengthen protection resources against social exclusion and prevention against violence suffered by women, promoting the creation of support networks.

One of the main objectives pursued with this initiative is “to encourage all the participating women to ‘come out of invisibility’, although we know that this requires a lot of strength, a lot of will and an almost blind faith in oneself. And that is what we ask of all of us: stop being in the shadows to make ourselves more visible, hand in hand with that inner strength that comes from feeling part of a whole; part of a networkencourages the head of the Women and Equality area of ​​the Federation.

This meeting ‘Julia Keep Knitting’ comes to give continuity to the workshops that have been carried out within the project, since it started in 2018. “We have reached 350 women who have participated in these training workshops, which have traveled throughout the regional territory, and we continue to bet on giving opportunities to all women regardless of their circumstances because that is living in equality”Quintanilla explains.

Project ‘JULIA: Rural Women and Mental Health’

Since this proposal began in 2018, with four editions developed and 54 workshops, there have already been about 350 women who have been weaving networks of sisterhood, union, listening, support, and creating spaces in which they feel safe, understood and unique. A network whose objective is to reduce the isolation, loneliness and stigma of women with mental health problems in rural areas.

Under the acronym JULIA, a 25-hour training itinerary is articulated, taught in the villages themselves, which follows the following stages: TOGETHER, UNIQUE, FREE, INDEPENDENT AND ACTIVE.

Project JULIA has developed in the last 5 years workshops in the towns of Barco de Ávila, Cebreros, Navas del Marqués, Sotillo de La Adrada and La Adrada (Ávila); Briviesca, Treviño County, Huerta de Rey, Lerma, Roa and Villarcayo (Burgos); Astorga, Villablino, Bembibre and San Justo de la Vega (León); Guardo, Herrera de Pisuerga, Velilla, Otero de Guardo and Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia); Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca), Ayllón, Villacastín, Riaza and Cuellar (Segovia); Medina de Rioseco, Tudela de Duero, Portillo, Mojados and Rueda (Valladolid); Moral de Sayago and Muga de Sayago (Zamora) and Covaleda (Soria).

In addition, the JULIA Project has received various awards and recognitions, the last of which was a special mention in the Queen Letizia National Disability Awards from the Royal Board of Disability, to which others such as the Good Practices Award from the MENTAL HEALTH Confederation are added. SPAIN; 2022 Award, in the CERMI Women’s Foundation category – Action for the benefit of Women with Disabilities; the Meninas Awards 2021, awarded by the Government Delegation of Castilla y León and the Ministry of Equality, or recognition in the XII Solidarity Awards for Women’s Equality for Dialogue and Education (MDE) 2022.

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