MENTAL HEALTH SPAIN joins the demands of Conecta Perinatal

by time news

2023-06-19 11:43:50

WP_Post Object
[ID] => 95900
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2023-06-19 11:43:50
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-06-19 09:43:50
[post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Perinatal mental health care from pregnancy to at least three years of age prevents suffering for babies, mothers, fathers and close relatives and prevents possible future psychological disorders that can accompany the baby in his adult life and be transmitted to future generations. It is one of the main contributions of the document ‘Improve perinatal mental health care. Fundamentals, proposals and requests’, produced by the Spanish-speaking Alliance for Perinatal and Family Mental Health “Conecta Perinatal” and that was presented in society on June 16, in the Assembly Hall of the headquarters of the General Council of Psychology of Spain. The document raises, among other aspects, risk factors and possible prevention in perinatal mental health from pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium, as stages of special vulnerability and includes the main factors, among them, lactation problems, perinatal losses, the separation of the baby from its parents due to suffering these mental health problems, etc. This report, sponsored by the General Council of Psychology of Spain, the SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA Confederation and the Children’s Mental Health Association (ASMI), seeks to value and make known to society how relevant it is for the comprehensive health of care for the mental health of babies and their families, from the moment of pregnancy, guaranteeing resources and preventive social and health strategies and specialized care adapted to the needs of families. To this end, it provides evidence based on scientific knowledge, as well as arguments based on experiences from different European and Latin American countries, which promote the development of national plans and health and social policies, aimed at caring for perinatal mental health in a specialized manner, as well as the of instruments to specify, organize and order the objectives and actions of said plans.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”95918″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Nel Gonzalez Zapico, president of the SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA Confederation, attended the presentation of the document, in which he defended the urgency of investing in “resources that promote well-being, emotional balance and the best possible mental health for mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, from the very moment of conception and pregnancy, if we really want healthier future societies. In this regard, González Zapico highlighted the proposals already developed by other countries such as Chile, Argentina, the United Kingdom, France, “with the so-called 1000-day plans, which guarantee psychological assistance, in the public health system, to parents and babies during the first three years of life”. Likewise, he claimed the urgent need to “create public interdisciplinary perinatal networks and mother-father-baby units, following in the footsteps of Germany, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom or Switzerland”. At this point, he recalled that in our country, currently, there is only one network of these characteristics at Hospital Vall d’Hebrón in Barcelona. For the president of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA, the lack of knowledge is another aspect that must be corrected in our country, offering training on perinatal mental health to specialists in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Primary Care “many and many of them are still pigeonholed in care and assistance systems, in my opinion archaic, without a gender perspective and on many occasions violent for the mother-father-baby”.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“These are resources that have been shown to be effective in preserving the emotional stability of the whole family, increasing the perception of competence in the mother, protected and supported by a safe environment, and, ultimately, favoring the recovery of her mental health”, determined the president of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA. Finally, he also recalled a historical demand from the Confederation, which claims: the design of spaces where women can openly expose everything that affects them and worries them in relation to maternity and mental health, within an environment of trust and free of prejudice; and the inclusion of content and subjects of emotional education, starting from kindergarten 0-3 years, in all public schools, in addition to teacher training. World specialists in the field also participated in the presentation of the document, such as Alain GregoirePresident of the World Alliance for Maternal Mental Health; Michel Dugnatpresident of the Francophone Alliance, who were joined by Sierra Purificationvice president of ASMI WAIMH-Spain; Francisco Santolayapresident of the General Council of Psychology of Spain; Pascual Palau, President of CONECTA PERINATAL; and José Luis Pedreiramember of the Scientific Council of CONECTA PERINATAL.

Most frequent perinatal mental health problems

During pregnancy, 7% of women suffer from depression and between 11 and 15% anxiety disorders. In the postpartum period, 14% suffer from depression and 8% from anxiety. 0.2% present psychosis. Men who closely follow the pregnancy and postpartum of their partners suffer from around 10% of postpartum depression. These figures increase when contemplating other disorders that can also occur in the perinatal period (consumption of addictive substances, eating disorders, personality disorders…).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_btn title=”VOLVER A NOTICIAS” style=”gradient-custom” gradient_custom_color_1=”#ffffff” gradient_custom_color_2=”#ffffff” gradient_text_color=”#005b50″ shape=”square” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-circle-left” add_icon=”true” link=”url:%2Fnoticias%2F|title:NOTICIAS||”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[post_title] => SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA joins the demands of Conecta Perinatal for mental health care for children and their families
[post_excerpt] => The Confederation participated in the presentation of the document ‘Improving perinatal mental health. Fundamentals, proposals and requests’. Experts highlight the importance of taking care of mental health in the first three years of life to prevent possible psychological disorders in adulthood.
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[post_name] => mental-health-spain-connects-perinatal
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[post_modified] => 2023-06-19 12:04:03
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-06-19 10:04:03
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SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA joins the demands of Conecta Perinatal for the mental health care of children and their families

The Confederation participated in the presentation of the document ‘Improving perinatal mental health. Fundamentals, proposals and requests’. Experts highlight the importance of taking care of mental health in the first three years of life to prevent possible psychological disorders in adulthood.

Perinatal mental health care from pregnancy to at least three years of age prevents suffering for babies, mothers, fathers and close relatives and prevents possible future psychological disorders that can accompany the baby in his adult life and be transmitted to future generations.

It is one of the main contributions of the document ‘Improve perinatal mental health care. Fundamentals, proposals and requests’, produced by the Spanish-speaking Alliance for Perinatal and Family Mental Health “Conecta Perinatal” and that was presented in society on June 16, in the Assembly Hall of the headquarters of the General Council of Psychology of Spain.

The document raises, among other aspects, risk factors and possible prevention in perinatal mental health from pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium, as stages of special vulnerability and includes the main factors, among them, lactation problems, perinatal losses, the separation of the baby from its parents due to suffering these mental health problems, etc.

This report, sponsored by the General Council of Psychology of Spain, the SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA Confederation and the Children’s Mental Health Association (ASMI), seeks to value and make known to society how relevant it is for the comprehensive health of care for the mental health of babies and their families, from the moment of pregnancy, guaranteeing resources and preventive social and health strategies and specialized care adapted to the needs of families.

To this end, it provides evidence based on scientific knowledge, as well as arguments based on experiences from different European and Latin American countries, which promote the development of national plans and health and social policies, aimed at caring for perinatal mental health in a specialized manner, as well as the of instruments to specify, organize and order the objectives and actions of said plans.

Nel González Zapico, president of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA, during his speech.

Nel Gonzalez Zapico, president of the SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA Confederation, attended the presentation of the document, in which he defended the urgency of investing in «resources that promote well-being, emotional balance and the best possible mental health for mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, from the very moment of conception and pregnancy, if we really want healthier future societies.”

In this regard, González Zapico highlighted the proposals already developed by other countries such as Chile, Argentina, the United Kingdom, France, “with the so-called 1000-day plans, which guarantee psychological assistance, in the public health system, to parents and babies during the first three years of life”. Likewise, he claimed the urgent need to «create public interdisciplinary perinatal networks and mother-father-baby units, following the path of Germany, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom or Switzerland». At this point, he recalled that in our country, currently, there is only one network of these characteristics at Hospital Vall d’Hebrón in Barcelona.

For the president of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA, the lack of knowledge is another aspect that must be corrected in our country, offering training on perinatal mental health to specialists in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Primary Care “Many and many of them are still pigeonholed in care and assistance systems, in my opinion archaic, without a gender perspective and on many occasions violent for the mother-father-baby.”

“These are resources that have been shown to be effective in preserving the emotional stability of the whole family, increasing the perception of competence in the mother, protected and supported by a safe environment, and, ultimately, favoring the recovery of her mental health,” determined the president of SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA.

Finally, he also recalled a historical demand from the Confederation, which claims: the design of spaces where women can openly expose everything that affects them and worries them in relation to maternity and mental health, within an environment of trust and free of prejudice; and the inclusion of content and subjects of emotional education, starting from kindergarten 0-3 years, in all public schools, in addition to teacher training.

World specialists in the field also participated in the presentation of the document, such as Alain GregoirePresident of the World Alliance for Maternal Mental Health; Michel Dugnatpresident of the Francophone Alliance, who were joined by Sierra Purificationvice president of ASMI WAIMH-Spain; Francisco Santolayapresident of the General Council of Psychology of Spain; Pascual Palau, President of CONECTA PERINATAL; and José Luis Pedreiramember of the Scientific Council of CONECTA PERINATAL.

Most frequent perinatal mental health problems

During pregnancy, 7% of women suffer from depression and between 11 and 15% anxiety disorders. In the postpartum period, 14% suffer from depression and 8% anxiety. 0.2% present psychosis. Men who closely follow the pregnancy and postpartum of their partners suffer from around 10% of postpartum depression. These figures increase when contemplating other disorders that can also occur in the perinatal period (consumption of addictive substances, eating disorders, personality disorders…).

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