MEPs authorize the use of waste oil as fuel

by time news

What if you put frying oil in your engine? The oil used in restaurants or fast food, canteens, etc. will now be able to be used to refuel your diesel car vehicle. This authorization stems from an amendment to the purchasing power law tabled by the EELV deputy Julien Bayou after a favorable opinion from the government.

According to the MP, 10 liters of properly reprocessed waste oil can yield 8 liters of fuel, which emits up to 90% less greenhouse gases than conventional diesel. Except that for now, this type of use of used oils is prohibited because they are not part of approved fuels. So far, running on oil is therefore a customs offence. In case of doubt, customs officers can take a sample from the tank before issuing a fine. Another problem, diesel vehicles are insured only to run on diesel. In the event of an accident or incident, a burning car for example, getting compensation could be complicated.

“It’s illegal in France but very widespread in Europe and in our regions but in a clandestine way”, launched Julien Bayou in the hemicycle, highlighting the interest of such a fuel for the climate but also for power. of purchase.

“In France, we don’t have oil but we have frying oil”

“And of course, and it may make you smile, but it is an element of energy independence”, he continued, ironically: “It is better to depend on the fries shacks of the North than on oil from the oil monarchies” . And to add, taking up an old slogan: “In France, we don’t have oil but we have frying oil”.

According to the “Roule Ma frite” association, more than 170 million liters of oil are consumed each year in France. “We can consider that rolling with frying oil is a favorable alternative to the intensive consumption of fossil fuels and that this coincides perfectly with the national commitments for the environment concluded during the adoption of the Grenelle 2 law of June 17 2009”.

According to the association, it is necessary to decant and filter this oil before putting it in the tank of your vehicle. Engines don’t like potato residue too much… If done incorrectly, expect clogged injectors, poor carburation, limited performance… In addition, some vehicles also need to be serviced. small transformations so that the engine accepts to work with this vegetable liquid. According to the association, the idea for diesel is to do a bit like the concept of converting to E85 for gasoline engines. Other industrial projects envisage mixing between 10 to 30% frying oil with diesel fuel. Airbus is also testing this solution for these aircraft.

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