Meritorious Artist Dang Duong suffered a bitter defeat the first time he met his wife Kim Xuyen.

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Meritorious Artist Dang Duong fell in love at first sight the first time he met his wife.

Meritorious Artist Dang Duong Dang Duong and his wife Kim Xuyen met for the first time during a performance at Hoa Binh Hydropower Plant. At that time, Kim Xuyen was still a singer of the Military Region II Art Troupe. The first time they met, Dang Duong fell in love with the young female artist with a radiant smile, not knowing that the other person hated him every time they saw him on TV. Even when he “asked” to carry Kim Xuyen’s makeup box, Dang Duong realized the bitter truth that his “crush” already had a boyfriend.

Wedding photo of Meritorious Artist Dang Duong and his wife Kim Xuyen. Photo: FBNV

A year later, the two met again in Lang Son. Knowing that Kim Xuyen had broken up with her lover and was lonely, Dang Duong did not miss the opportunity. On the way back, the two took the same bus and “luckily” because… the bus had a flat tire. With such a close distance, from hating, Kim Xuyen felt that Dang Duong was “very warm, sincere, exactly the type of man I like”.

The third time they met on a stage in Hanoi, Dang Duong was surprised to see Kim Xuyen acting… as if nothing had happened between them before. At night, he couldn’t sleep because he was restless and uncomfortable: “Why is she like that?”, “Why did she change her mind?… Then what was to come happened, Dang Duong rode his motorbike noisily to find her and… confessed his love right in front of the Art Troupe.

Artist Dang Duong and Kim Xuyen got married in 2002. In the early days of their marriage, they still performed and worked in music together. However, when both husband and wife were singers, performed a lot, and had little time to see each other, gradually there was a certain distance in the family… so Kim Xuyen decided to leave the Military Region II Art Troupe and became a news presenter for VOV – Voice of Vietnam. After a while, Kim Xuyen stepped back to take care of the family, raise the children and be her husband’s manager.

Meritorious Artist Dang Duong suffered a bitter defeat the first time he met his wife Kim Xuyen.

Meritorious Artist Dang Duong confessed that although they have lived together for 22 years, he and his wife are still like newlyweds. Photo: FBNV

“When I had to leave the stage lights, I was very worried. It was Mr. Duong who encouraged me a lot. In life, no one can have everything. At some point, each person will need to make their own choices. My paternal and maternal families and Mr. Duong’s live far away, so my husband and I have to take care of everything ourselves. I volunteered to give up my professional singing career and stay behind so that my husband can devote himself to his career. I no longer feel any regrets because family is still the most important thing,” Ms. Kim Xuyen confided to Dan Viet.

22 years living together still like newlyweds

Meritorious Artist Dang Duong confided to Dan Viet that, although they have lived together for more than 20 years, he and his wife are always like newlyweds. They are always close to each other, go everywhere together and are in harmony in everything. After 22 years of marriage, they still remember the first trip when they were in love in Hue, the first time he brought his girlfriend home to introduce her to his family and had an accident that caused the two of them to fall in two different places, the happy memories of their wedding day when the music made the audience at the neighboring weddings surround them, the song he sang for his wife at the wedding…

Meritorious Artist Dang Duong

Meritorious Artist Dang Duong and his wife often share moments on social networks. Photo: FBNV

“People still say that my husband and I are like newlyweds, like newlyweds… I feel very happy about that. My husband and I live very simply, without any frills. If there is anything unpleasant or wrong, we have to say it right away to relieve it. After that, we are happy again and do not keep it in our hearts to feel tired or depressed. Everyone has this or that problem, but how we handle it depends on each person. In my opinion, if a couple has a conflict with each other, they should resolve it early and not keep it to themselves. The longer they leave it, the worse it is,” Meritorious Artist Dang Duong added.

According to Meritorious Artist Dang Duong, many people say he pampers his wife the most in the “red music trio” group, but I think that depends on each person’s perspective on life. Personally, he finds pampering and taking care of his wife a blessing. For him, women are at a disadvantage, so pampering them is reasonable.

“I must say that from the time I fell in love until I got married, I changed a lot. I changed my lifestyle, my dressing style and my way of talking. People say I’m lucky to have my wife, but some people say my wife is lucky to have me. I think marital happiness comes from “fate”. When a couple has a fate with each other, everyone will try to cultivate happiness. Every family will have this moment and that moment, no family is smooth from beginning to end. But in that incident, how to forget as quickly as possible and have mutual understanding is the important thing”.

Meritorious Artist Dang Duong

The happy family of Meritorious Artist Dang Duong. Photo: FBNV

Meritorious Artist Dang Duong said that in more than 20 years of being together, the couple had to face a huge shock. That was in 2008, his wife had a miscarriage. Seeing his wife in pain when losing the child in her arms, he was very hurt. But thanks to sharing and companionship, the couple soon overcame this shock.

“I really, really appreciate and feel lucky to have met Kim Xuyen. Not only do we have the same profession so we understand and sympathize with each other, but Xuyen also accepts to stand behind and support my career. When I was still working, she sympathized with my work. Later, she stopped all work to accompany me. I think, not everyone can do that. Everyone has their own ego, their own things, but my wife is a family woman, taking care of common things, taking care of the children, taking care of her husband’s career and taking care of everything in the family. I am very grateful, I want to say thank you to her”, Meritorious Artist Dang Duong expressed.

Although he admits that they are very compatible, Meritorious Artist Dang Duong still admits that there are many differences between husband and wife because each person is a different individual. If his wife is very meticulous in work, very meticulous in dressing and maintaining her image, sometimes he is a bit sloppy.

Dang Duong said that whenever his wife goes out of the house, even to the supermarket downstairs to buy vegetables, she has to put on makeup to look beautiful before going out. As for Meritorious Artist Dang Duong, he used to live a very simple life, but since living with his wife, he has paid more attention to everything, especially his appearance.

Kim Xuyen shared that her husband is not the romantic type. On anniversaries, Dang Duong often takes his wife shopping so that she can find exactly what she wants. Every day after a performance, he often brings home a beautiful bouquet of flowers as a gift for his wife. A thoughtful gesture is that every morning, he always prepares a cup of warm water for his wife…

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