Merry Christmas ! | FranceEvening

by time news

2023-12-22 18:00:29

EDITED – “She told me, the turkey, through the oven window.”

This tirade by Roland Madgane on “room” and board may be 40 years old, but it “remains” relevant in “home” France. Indeed, throughout this crazy year, it was truly a turkey fair.

For example, who knows why female gallinaceae cowardly fled the war of words raging on war in Crimea, they turned pro-Ukrainian.

They suddenly turned (at their own risk) to NATO’s star penile pianist, a Zelensky with a morbidly venal zeal (in skiing) which inhabits him, which no longer needs to be demonstrated, as he applies himself so much to rush all schuss, direction the opal pal on which he wants to seat the blue planet after our ruin: a third world war in which he would like to drag eight billion wise wise.

Oh that’s for sure: it smells like pine!

“I almost turned woke”would have declared, in this regard, a Gérard Depardieu who after having opted for Belgian then Russian citizenship, has just added that of Dubai… Not crazy the wasp, without ever having ceased to be a French citizen (which therefore does not pay tax in France) as far as subsidies are concerned, the , the French territory being under an influence that is highly harmful to democracy.

Slightly delayed, because from a cemetery in Colombey-les-Deux-Églises where he has been resting for more than half a century, Charles de Gaulle confirms.

Me, on the other hand, I could have fired “fake-shaker” if precisely, I was not against, totally against, the despotic rantings that these polluters, falsifiers of information at the orders of globalist right-thinking, perfidiously advance as arguments validated by the kommandantur, to justify the falsely secular and so-called republican crusade that they are leading against the truth.

“It’s a gift”, Father Léon tells us, mirroring a Santa Claus who remains frozen, he, faced with the coldness of this warm rabbit, Easter and others, who is his agnostic alter ego, whispers in my ear a professor Choron at the Yellow Laughing Stud. His (distant) foes have taken the side of censorship. We are far from a Hara-Kiri (became Charlie Hebdo) whose spirit in 1970, upon the death of the general, was not at all to the taste of the “zootorities” who judged him unworthy of this media beast that was de Gaulle.

Quite the opposite, therefore, of an Emmanuel Macron, micron on the international scene, he who for the 200,000th consecutive time has just ridiculed us (2) “and at the same time“to make us pity. Or almost…

Therefore, in this 2023rd celebration of the birth of Christ, with its nativity scenes that we want to ban in public places, let us offer to laugh in his face. Like a snub. It will bother him.

(1) Cossack: the name given to a predominantly Slavic population originating from regions of the Pontic steppe located in the current territories of Ukraine and Russia.

(2) Editorial “The phone is crying, remix 2023”.

#Merry #Christmas #FranceEvening

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