Merz Rules Out Collaboration with AFD and Highlights Importance of Finding a Solution to the Refugee Issue in Germany

by time news

Merz Rules Out Collaboration with AFD, Focuses on Finding Solution to Refugee Issue

In the upcoming elections in three federal states in the former East Germany next year, the Alternative for Germany (AFD) has taken over the leadership from the Christian Democratic CDU, according to recent opinion polls. However, Friedrich Merz, a leading figure in the CDU, has ruled out a collaboration with the right-wing populist party.

“The refugee issue will continue to be the most important issue in our society in the coming weeks and months and perhaps even into next year,” Merz stated at a press conference. “And that is why I am so interested in finding a solution. The faster we find a solution, the faster this party (AFD) will become small again.”

While every fifth German says they could imagine voting for AFD if there were elections for the Bundestag today, Merz believes that much of the support for the party is based on protest votes. He acknowledges Germany’s “special responsibility” when it comes to political parties, considering the country’s history. However, he refrains from commenting on the situation in countries such as Sweden and Spain, where right-wing populists have created a dilemma for traditional conservatives.

“I certainly will not publicly lecture other countries on what they should or should not do,” Merz said.

Merz’s stance reflects the CDU’s commitment to finding a solution to the refugee issue and addressing the concerns of German citizens. While the rise of right-wing populism poses a challenge to traditional conservatives, Merz remains focused on the importance of resolving the refugee issue in order to minimize support for AFD.

As the elections in the former East Germany draw closer, the outcome will be crucial in shaping the political landscape and determining the future direction of the country. The CDU’s decision to distance itself from AFD indicates their determination to find a solution to the refugee issue without aligning with a party that has gained popularity through protest votes.

The coming weeks and months will be critical in determining the public’s response to the CDU’s stance on the refugee issue and the impact it will have on the elections in the federal states. Merz’s emphasis on finding a solution highlights the CDU’s commitment to address the concerns of German citizens, while ensuring that right-wing populism does not prevail.

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