Messiah? But no !

by time news

2023-08-21 07:41:43

In the entire history of presidential election campaigns in Madagascar, we have never seen a candidate promise this: “I will steal from you, I will betray you, I will lie to you, I will be corrupt, I will show you my incompetence, I will practice nepotism etc. “. On the contrary, all claimed to be able to do better, and above all to be better than the others. All have proclaimed themselves standard bearers of democracy, development, patriotism, good governance and the fight against corruption.

But since 1960, we know what this kind of promises are worth from Malagasy politicians. Socio-economic indicators demonstrate the result of all electoral commitments since the return to independence in 1960. The passage from the status of opponent to that of leader has never transformed “big mouths with nice words” into a ” great leaders with great achievements”. Under all regimes, the flashy inaugurations of zava-bita have been far from bringing Madagascar to the heights.

After the politics of the belly, socialist paradise, bring this country up, just believe, exaltation, the greatest love, assorts of their contemporary corollaries of velirano, a minimum of critical sense and lucidity allows to ascertain the balance more or less calamitous the promises of one and the other. Et ce, despite the fanatical vivats of their respective camps.

This therefore relativizes the message of the self-proclaimed Messiahs and saviors of the country. The passage of time always reveals the backstage hidden behind the screen. The French nationality begged without scruples by Andry Rajoelina when he was head of state in office, and the Romy affair in London, are only illustrations of the realities of Malagasy political life. “Everyone is beautiful, everyone is clean” until parts of the curtain rise.

In the political landscape, however, there is a clear dividing line: those who staged a coup, supported it and applauded it, on the one hand, and the others. If we can give the latter the benefit of the doubt, this is not the case for the former: by their act, they have already demonstrated their conception of ethics, morality, democracy, or the State. of Law etc. So here is a first reading grid to analyze the potential respectability of future candidates. From their past, we know what we can expect from them for the present, and especially for the future.


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