Metabolic Disease: Understanding Weight Gain and Possible Causes

by time news

2023-07-15 10:12:00
New research suggests that if you’ve been gaining weight despite no changes to your eating habits, you may be suffering from a metabolic disease. Common signs of this condition include weight gain or difficulty in achieving desired weight loss. Experts warn that it’s important to be aware of the diseases that this weight gain can indicate.

Health expert Charlotte Karlinder explains in a video clip that the type of metabolic disease can vary. One common example is hypothyroidism, which leads to weight gain due to problems with energy metabolism. This condition primarily affects women, and a definitive diagnosis can be made through a blood test that measures the TSH value. If the TSH value is over 4.0, weight problems are likely to occur, and medication in low doses is usually prescribed.

Another metabolic disease that can cause weight gain, particularly in women, is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS affects the hormonal balance and is the most common hormonal disorder in women of childbearing age, affecting 5-10 percent of women. Excessive production of testosterone in the ovaries leads to fat deposits, especially in the hips. A blood test can confirm the diagnosis, and treatment options include exercise, a balanced diet, and reduced intake of carbohydrates and sugar. Medication may also be prescribed if natural improvement does not occur.

Interestingly, certain medications can also impact metabolism and lead to weight gain. Antidepressants, beta blockers, and the Anti-Baby Pill are among the medications known to have this effect. It’s worth noting that weight gain from medication often occurs weeks or months after starting the treatment, making it difficult to pinpoint the cause. If you suspect that your medication is contributing to your weight gain, it’s important to discuss alternative treatment options with your doctor.

Overall, understanding the potential relationship between metabolic diseases and weight gain is crucial for managing one’s health effectively. Identifying and addressing the underlying causes can help individuals achieve their desired weight goals and improve overall well-being.]
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