Meteorite destroys house, fireball from sky; The house was completely burnt; Worrying scenes – meteorite destroys house after causing fire

by time news
A fireball suddenly fell from the sky. Dustin Procita’s house in Nevada, California was gutted by fire. CCTVs at different places recorded the horrifying scenes. Dustin says his house caught fire around 7:30 p.m.

Dustin was sitting at home with his pet dog when the fireball hit. Although the fire was noticed, it was not extinguishable. Dustin jumped out of the house with his dog to escape the fire. Dustin had to watch his beloved house burn before his eyes.

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The fire department came to know that the house was on fire, but by then the house was completely gutted. Firefighters were unable to determine the cause of the fire. Eyewitnesses said they saw a ball of fire coming from the sky towards the house. Many people witnessed the incident. Dash cameras of vehicles traveling on nearby roads captured footage of the fireball falling to the ground.

The Torrid meteor shower is taking place near Dustin’s house, so authorities are investigating whether it was a meteorite that hit the house.

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Meteorite falls are usually not so terrible, but in 1908 there was a terrible explosion in Tungumska, Russia. Its impact was reported in an area of ​​more than two thousand square kilometers. In the intense heat, the bark of the trees went away. No major meteorite impact on Earth has been reported since then.

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