Mexican creates a watch that improves the skills of surgeons

by time news

2023-09-03 18:40:46

The training of specialists such as surgeons is very complex because it requires different skills. It is not only about theory but also a lot of practice is needed and with the help of technology it is now possible to rehearse even without patients. In this way, risks are avoided and constant training is encouraged.

Until a few decades ago, a patient undergoing surgery could take up to 15 days to leave hospital care. Today, with surgical advances and the appearance of laparoscopic surgeryhospitalization times have been significantly reduced.

This type of surgery, in addition to being minimally invasive, also offers fewer risks of infection and minimizes the impact of the scar; however, the training and certification of the surgeons who practice them are very strict because very specific skills are required. In addition to the fact that the technique presents challenges such as loss of depth perception, decreased range of motion and vision limited to two dimensions.

To aid in the development of technical dissection and suturing skills, Arturo Minor Martineza researcher at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Cinvestav, developed a low-cost system that follows the movement of surgeons’ hands during laparoscopic trainingto objectively assess their psychomotor skills.

How does it work?

The wireless triaxial accelerometer-based device, looking like a programmable wristwatch, converts wrist movement into a voltage signal.

“The purpose is to keep surgeons in constant practice and optimize their skills, since many times they do not have enough practice to perform surgeries with minimally invasive instruments.”

With the participation of 30 male and female surgeons (six expert, 14 intermediate, and 10 novice), validation of the device consisted of holding the suture needle with the laparoscopic needle holder and puncturing a Penrose drain (classified as a surgical task). advanced psychomotor skills suitable for evaluating technical skills in the handling of laparoscopic instruments).

Subsequently, the surgeons had to tie the suture using the technique known as intracorporeal and, with the accelerometry system placed in the participant’s dominant hand, the movement of the wrist was recorded during the execution of the suturing task.

Simultaneously, the movement of the tip of the laparoscopic needle holder was examined using the EndoViS simulator 3D tracking system, also developed by Cinvestav.

Economy of motion (a technique used to optimize the efficiency of the process, minimizing the time, movements, and resources required to perform it) showed the level of laparoscopic experience of the surgeons, with which significant differences were detected between the three groups. evaluated.

This tracking system indicates that the experts made finer movements, manipulating the needle with greater precision and without hesitation, while the novices and intermediates showed more difficulty holding the needle and completing the knots, demonstrating that they have not yet acquired muscle memory, nor the visual reference skill to manipulate objects correctly, but when using it frequently will help reduce the learning curve of surgical residents,

The method was successfully validated, since it allows adding the benefits of conventional laparoscopic trainers with the tactical feedback of the instrument, to objectively assess laparoscopic psychomotor skills.

In addition to the advantages such as its low cost, wireless communication, portability, lightness and flexibility, as it is a non-invasive and wireless device, it could be used to analyze the performance of surgeons in complete laparoscopic procedures in real surgical environments, such as the operating room

Also read:

ISSSTE creates the first training center to improve the skills of surgeons: Characteristics and location

Medu Qx, a new virtual medical education platform for surgeons

UNAM creates an immersive laparoscopic simulator for residents and this is what it looks like

#Mexican #creates #watch #improves #skills #surgeons

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