by time news

2023-12-31 05:21:16

>> For the government airline to operate during its first six years, it will require a subsidy that could reach at least three billion pesos during that period: Dip. Héctor Saúl Téllez.

>> PAN requests the appearance of the heads of SEDENA and the Olmeca-Maya-Mexica Railway, Airport and Auxiliary Services Group before the Permanent Commission.

The new Mexicana de Aviación is one more of the whims of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador that will be financed with the tax money paid by all taxpayers, since the business model that SEDENA will apply will require the injection of public resources for its operation and the profits will only be seen by the lessor of the aircraft, stated the deputy of the PAN Parliamentary Group, Héctor Saúl Téllez Hernández.

At the outset, he highlighted that more than seven billion pesos were used just to start operations in 2023, the origin of which is unknown, since no specific item or item was approved in the Federation Expenditure Budget of that year. expense concept for this project.

In addition, during the first six years it must have a government subsidy, which according to the optimistic calculations of the Ministry of Finance and SEDENA is projected at three billion pesos in the period 2024-2030.

“This action is totally irresponsible because public money from taxpayers will be injected to correct a deficiency in the company that is supposed to be profitable and self-sufficient. This new airline will not be able to survive without the support of the money collected by the government, which leaves aside other priorities such as safety, health and education,” he stated.

The legislator highlighted that the president himself recognized, during the bilateral meeting he held in recent days with a delegation of officials from the United States of America led by the Secretary of State of that country Antony Blinken, that both the airline and the also recently inaugurated and unfinished Mayan Train have had problems, “they take time, but they arrive.”

“For this reason, it is essential and urgent that in the face of these deficiencies, the heads of SEDENA and the company Grupo Ferroviario, Aeroportuario y de Servicios Auxiliares Olmeca-Maya-Mexica appear before the Permanent Commission to explain the feasibility study and the business plan. , not only from the airline, but also from the Mayan Train and the airports run by the Mexican Army,” he said.

Téllez Hernández mentioned that it is paradoxical that the vast majority of aircraft that the new Mexicana de Aviación will operate will be leased to private companies such as SAT Aero Holdings.

“The profits on the airline’s income will amount to up to 30% for leasing and maintenance services, this means that the only ones who win here are the private companies that will have their payments assured through charges to the treasury under the figure of subsidies” , he warned.

Mexicana de Aviación takes off the flight poorly, Téllez Hernández added, because it will only be a business for individuals, so he said that it is necessary to put a magnifying glass there, because with the subsidies that said company will receive, the risk is practically zero, because even when the airline It only generates losses, they will have their payments on time.

“The whim of having a government airline that clearly will not make profits and must be continuously subsidized with clean taxpayer money is truly presidential madness,” he concluded.


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