Mexico and Central America: Who are we and what do we do?

by time news

2023-07-27 00:15:00

About us?

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a humanitarian organization that helps people affected by violence, including:

MigrantsPeople internally displaced by violenceFamily of missing peopleCommunitiesSick and injured people

We also visit people deprived of their liberty, verify their conditions of detention and provide them with humanitarian assistance.

Our work is:

Humanitarian: we help alleviate human suffering.

Neutral: We do not take part in political, religious or other controversies.

Impartial: We give our help without discriminating by nationality, skin color, religion, sexual orientation, political tendency, among others.

Independent: We do not work for any government, company or other organization.

We hear

We listen confidentially to people affected by violence to understand their needs and that their concerns are addressed.

we dialogue

We generally share our humanitarian concerns and recommendations in a confidential dialogue with authorities, armed and security forces and other actors who can contribute to improving the situation of people affected by violence.

we accompany

We are with those who suffer the consequences of violence to help them, strengthen them and promote respect for their rights:

With the families of missing persons, to help them clarify the fate and whereabouts of their loved ones;With people separated from their loved ones, to help restore family contact;With displaced persons, to help them find a safe place and livelihoods;With migrants, to help mitigate risks that endanger them along the way;With communities affected by violence, to facilitate their access to essential services, such as health, water, education, sanitation, etc. ;With health personnel and services, to promote their respect and protection;With people deprived of liberty, to guarantee that they receive dignified treatment and that their rights are respected.

we visited

We visit detention centers and immigration stations to learn about detention conditions and the treatment people receive. We make confidential recommendations to authorities, based on our findings, to improve conditions.

We cooperate and join forces

Many of these actions are carried out hand in hand with the National Red Cross Societies of the region to expand and strengthen our humanitarian work, close to those who need it.


Our humanitarian work is free, nobody can charge you for it!

We also do not demand favors or services in exchange for our humanitarian work.

#Mexico #Central #America

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