Mexico City presents Environmental Law, prohibits privatization of water

by times news cr

2024-07-22 22:15:09

The head of government, Marti Batrespresented the Environmental Law of Mexico City, published on July 18 in the Official Gazette, with which prohibits the privatization of drinking water services in the capital.

In a ceremony at the Old City Hall, the capital’s leader presented some details of the reform that he sent to the capital’s Congress months ago for discussion and eventual approval.

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With its publication in the Official Gazette, Article 159 of the CDMX Environmental Law establishes that “in Mexico City, the privatization of water in any form is prohibited, as well as the services derived from its supply and collection, so water management is public and non-profit,” he explained.

Among other points, the Head of Government highlighted that certification programs for sustainable buildings are included, to promote self-regulation. The promotion of rainwater collection is also strengthened, as well as its treatment and reuse for activities that do not require drinking water.

A new classification of areas of environmental value called “green belts” is also included, to prevent the expansion of urban sprawl on conservation land.

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Similarly, it is established that in public works projects, 3% of the budget of the works contract must be considered for the execution of environmental measures.

Among other points, it establishes the obligation of the mayors to contribute to the implementation of the strategy for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.

“One of the things we have included has to do with paying more attention to noise and visual and light pollution, which has been a growing concern among groups in society,” added the local Secretary of the Environment (Sedema) Marina Robles.


2024-07-22 22:15:09

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