“Mexico is safer than the US”: López Obrador warns about media campaign against his country

by time news


Mar 13, 2023 10:08 PM GMT

The Mexican president reacted to the alerts issued by the US authorities not to travel to certain areas of the Latin American country.

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, affirmed this Monday that his country is safer than the US and that the wave of news that talks about insecurity in Mexican territory is part of a smear campaign generated by conservative politicians americans.

“Mexico is safer than the United States. And there is no problem to travel through Mexico safely, but that is also American citizens know it and our countrymen certainly know it that they are there They are well informed,” said López Obrador at his morning press conference.

The president’s response was in reference to the alerts issued by the Department of State of the United States, in which they ask their citizens not to travel to six Mexican states, especially after the recent kidnapping of four Americans and the death of two of them, in the border city of Matamoros.

This is a campaign against Mexico by conservative US politicians. They do not want the country to continue transforming for the good of Mexicans. And those conservative politicians dominate” the media, said the president, who pointed out that currently a large number of Americans have come to live in Mexico City and other locations in the country.

López Obrador added that despite the content against Mexico, citizens have other ways to document themselves and find out “what really happens” in Mexico. In addition, he said, they are aware that “most of the US news media. are at the service of interest groups created in that country, are under the control of economic and political groups, the television stations”.

“Pure and vile manipulation”

López Obrador indicated that although there are levels of violence in his country, the supposed climate of great danger in Mexico It is “pure and vile manipulation”. For example, he said that Quintana Roo, where the tourist area of ​​Cancun is located, is a region declared unsafe by the US, and yet it receives thousands of flights and travelers from other latitudes every week.

“Go to Cancun. Do you know how many flights arrive daily or land and take off? More than 700 flights. Tourists are arriving in Cancun like never before. So, nothing more than I would say a matter of a political nature, and not even political, politicalthat we have to continue facing”, he commented.

The president added that “most of the media, what they want is to create a perception of insecurity to say ‘The populist, communist, caudillo, messianic government of López Obrador does not work’. No, it’s not like that.”

The president also referred to events that happen daily in the United States and demonstrate its levels of insecurity and the intense activity of drug trafficking, an issue that, he says, is silenced by the media that “don’t talk about the US cartels”.

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