Mexico Requests Safe Conduct for Former Ecuadorian Vice President Jorge Glas Amid Diplomatic Tensions

by time news

Summary of the article:


  • Former Vice President of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, was detained in April 2024 following a controversial intervention by Ecuadorian police at the ⁣Mexican embassy in Quito.
  • Glas was convicted of receiving⁢ bribes and⁢ was released on probation in ⁣November 2022.

Current Situation:

  • Mexico requested safe conduct for Glas from Ecuador, citing his reported critical health⁢ condition.
  • Ecuador rejected the⁤ request, claiming that granting asylum to Glas ⁤is illegal.
  • The issue is now before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which is considering two cases related to the matter.

Diplomatic⁢ Tensions:

  • Mexico severed diplomatic relations with Ecuador following the intervention.
  • AMLO criticized the UN, accusing it of being ineffective in preventing conflict.
  • The⁣ president has also made controversial statements about other countries and international organizations.

Possible Outcomes:

  • The⁤ ICJ will eventually issue a ruling on‍ the Mexican request for precautionary‍ measures.
  • It remains unclear whether diplomatic relations between Mexico and Ecuador will be ​normalized.

Additional Points:

  • Glas’s defense claims he is in critical condition and needs special medical ⁤attention.
  • The ⁣article criticizes AMLO’s leadership style and his handling of foreign relations.

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