Mexico, the second country with the most dengue cases in Latin America

by time news

2023-08-23 22:00:51

So far in 2023, dengue cases in Mexico have already exceeded the number of infections in the same period last year.
According to the WHO, almost half of the planet’s population lives in risk areas.
It is estimated that a person can contract dengue up to four times throughout his life, and there are also four serotypes of the virus that cause the disease.

Vector diseases have become a serious problem that generates 700,000 annual deaths throughout the planet. With respect to Mexico has become the second country with the most cases of dengue in all of Latin America and even in recent years the incidence has increased. Therefore, it is necessary to know both the main symptoms and some basic tips for its prevention.

A very important point is that the World Health Organization (WHO) states that almost half of the global population is at risk of contracting this disease. While the greatest danger is for the population that lives in tropical and subtropical areas.

With this in mind, it is estimated that around 4 billion people are at risk. In addition, up to 400 million cases are reported annually throughout the planet. Of the total number of patients, approximately 100 million people have symptoms and 40,000 die. It is also estimated that a person can contract dengue up to four times throughout his life because there are four serotypes of the virus.

The four variants of the virus circulate in Latin America and in some regions of Mexico, and may even circulate simultaneously.8 The risks of contracting dengue also depend on the knowledge, attitude, and practices of the population regarding the disease, as well as the Execution of systematic vector control activities in a sustainable manner outside health establishments.

How is dengue transmited?

Dengue is a disease that is transmitted to people through the bite of a infected Aedes species mosquito. Its symptoms include high fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, and a rash. In severe cases it can cause bleeding and, if not detected early and treated properly, it can be fatal.

For his part, currently Mexico is ranked as the second country with the most cases of dengue in Latin America, just below Brazil.

So far in 2023, the cases in Mexico have already exceeded the number of infections in the same period last year. Until August 7, 2023 (week 31), 8,291 cases of this disease were confirmed, while in the same period of 2022 the figure reached 2,704.

73% of the confirmed cases in 2023 correspond to five states: Quintana Roo, Veracruz, Yucatán Puebla and Morelos.4 This figure is similar to that reported in the same week of 2019, when the last dengue epidemic occurred in the country .

Tips to prevent cases of dengue

Given the increase in dengue cases, it is important to emphasize measures to prevent the spread of this disease. The main advice is not to keep stagnant water because it favors the reproduction of mosquitoes. In addition, the following recommendations should be followed.10

Wear clothing that covers the body as much as possible. Install mosquito nets to prevent mosquitoes from entering homes. Use products such as body repellents, environmental repellents and household insecticides to repel mosquitoes. Constantly clean patios and rooftops. Change the water in pets and vases regularly.

Also read:

Vector diseases: These are the 5 most common in Mexico

SSa inaugurates insectarium in BCS for Zika, dengue and chikungunya research

Dengue: Main symptoms and ways to prevent infections

#Mexico #country #dengue #cases #Latin #America

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