Mia Couto, winner of the 2024 FIL Prize for Literature in Romance Languages

by times news cr

This morning Monday, September 2, 2024through a virtual press conference, the International Book Fair (THREAD) of Guadalajara announced as the winner of the FIL Prize for Literature 2024 to the Mozambican writer Mia Couto.

“For its linguistic innovation, and to recognize a notable literary work that integrates and interweaves the chronicle, the short story and the novel,” said the jury made up of Carlos Reis, Graciela Montaldo, Jeronimo Pizarro, Juan Luis Cebrian, Lucia Melgar, Oana Fotache Dubălaru y Vittoria Pea after voting unanimously to award the prize to the author of The Lioness’s Confession.

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The specialists who made up the jury also added, with regard to “linguistic innovation”, that:

“It makes us rethink the relationship between the members of the community of Portuguese-speaking countries, drawing attention and sensitivity to the African continent and its historical, cultural and geopolitical relations, also inviting us to recognize and approach the history and nature of the planet in a different way.”

The author born in Border He is recognized as one of the most important writers of contemporary Portuguese literature. He has been writing since he published the poetry collection Dew Rootan important list of titles divided into chronicles, stories and novels, which have been translated into languages ​​such as German, Catalan, Spanish, French, Swedish, among others.

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In addition to this award – which will be presented to him on November 30th of the current year during the opening ceremony of the Guadalajara International Book Fair—, Couto has been recognized with, among others, laurels such as the National Literature Prize in Portugalhe National Literature Prize in Mozambiquehe Camoes Prize and the Neustadt International Prize for Literature.

The name of the author of Every Man is a Race –chosen as the winner from among 49 authors nominated by 58 candidates–, joins that of important names in world literature, among which stand out Olga Orozco, Margo Glantz, Diamela Eltit, Coral Bracho, Fernando del Paso, Emanuele Carrère y Rubem Fonseca.


2024-09-05 11:31:18

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