Mia Montemaggi, found the child kidnapped in France by her mother: they were in Switzerland- time.news

by time news

PARIS – My, 8 years old, and her mother Lola Montemaggi, 28, who had had her kidnapped, were found Sunday morning in Switzerland in an occupied house in the municipality of Sainte-Croix, in the canton of Vaud. About two hundred French gendarmes had been looking for them since Tuesday, and the Swiss police had also been collaborating in the investigation for two days. Five people, three perpetrators of the kidnapping and two accomplices, were arrested in recent days but the child and her mother remained unobtainable until this morning.

I am proud of what I did, we gave the child back to her mother without violence, like Arsenio Lupine, told the agents who arrested him one of the kidnappers, belonging to a far-right survivalist group that according to the French services he was also planning attacks against Covid vaccination centers and kidnapping other children to save them from pedophile networks.

Lola Montemaggi had her daughter kidnapped by five extremists adepts of conspiracy theories. The police arrested the kidnappers after they had already handed Mia over to her mother. The end of a marriage and a difficult separation were welded with the revolt of the yellow vests and the spread, also in France, of the ideas of the QAnon movement born in the United States.

Lola separated from her husband years ago and according to various testimonies she experienced very hard times. At the time of revolt of the yellow vests she devoted herself completely to the cause, making opposition to society a reason for living: this is also why she no longer wanted Mia to go to school, because the state must not meddle in my daughter’s education. There were then episodes of violence by the woman about the ex-husband in front of the child, and for this reason on 11 January the authorities removed her custody and the little girl was entrusted to the maternal grandmother Corinne. According to the judge’s decision, the woman could only see Mia twice a month, and never alone.

After the loss of custody of the child, Lola Montemaggi deepened her hostility towards the system, sold all the furniture in the house to buy a camper with which she wanted to leave and live under the radar of society, and began dating online conspiracy groups by adhering to theses no vax, to the idea that the 5G network it serves to control minds, and that the world is ruled by one satanist and pedophile sect as the QAnon movement claims, to the point of planning the kidnapping of her daughter.

On Tuesday morning, three men showed up in front of the house in the village of Les Poulires, in the Vosges, about a hundred kilometers from the German border. One remained waiting in the van, the other two rang the doorbell and introduced themselves as educators of the juvenile protection service. They showed Mia’s grandmother fake documents from the Ministry of Justice, and convinced her to have the baby turned in for an appointment with the social workers. Around 11:30 the little girl left the house, shortly after her grandmother thought about it and called social services to check, but that day there was no appointment with Mia.

the alarm went off, but by now the girl was far away. On Wednesday evening the three men and then two accomplices were arrested in the Paris region, also thanks to the fact that they were already known to the security services and kept under control: for some days they were suspected of planning an attack on a vaccination center, an office of taxes or against the police, and also to be ready to kidnap children to take them away from the state and pedophile networks.

In the apartment of one of them, weapons and explosive substances were found. The organizer of the action appears to be Sylvain P., 58-year-old Parisian, who on social media denounces the Covid health plot, the theft of Biden against Trump, and an imminent false coup after which power will crush all opposition in France. The Prosecutor of Epinal, Nicolas Heitz, reported that the arrested do not cooperate with the authorities and before the discovery they refused to give information on Lola’s escape.

The maternal grandfather, Lola’s father, addressed his daughter through the local radio Vosges Fm: I would like to tell my daughter that she has done well. She made a gesture full of hope, she just wanted to protect her little girl. And the people who helped her risk thirty years in prison, while instead they would be rewarded. Lola’s parents are also divorced: her mother lives with a partner and months ago she decided to collaborate with social services by agreeing to take Mia into custody, while the father remained close to her daughter. The kidnappers, already the subject of a preliminary investigation by the National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office months ago, will appear in front of the judge on Sunday evening.

April 18, 2021 (change April 18, 2021 | 12:54)

© Time.News

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