Miami hosts one of the most important arms fairs in the US

by time news

The shootings that take place every day in the US do not stop the free sale of weapons in the country. Gun culture has one of its most important events these days, this weekend, an arms fair in Miami, Florida, where many Americans go to buy weapons like someone who goes to a supermarket. There are weapons for all audiences and children do not pay admission. Only so far this year there have been close to 80 mass shootings. In fact, the United States is the only country in the world where there are more weapons than inhabitants. Forty thousand people die each year from firearms, of which three thousand are minors. To have a weapon in the most powerful country on the planet, you simply need to be a US citizen, have the money and fill out a form asking if you have problems with the law or mental health, a form that is supposed to be later monitored by the FBI. 200 dollars costs an average of a pistol and a rifle about 500 dollars.-Editorial-

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