Michaeli: “Ben Gabir wants a political police”

by time news

Bentzi Robin, knitted news13.12.22 16:21 19th in Kislo Tishpag


(Photo: Srogim)

Minister of Internal Security Amr Bar Lev held a briefing today (Tuesday) for members of the Labor faction, in which he referred to the consequences of the “Ben Gabir Law” which gives the minister control over the police. At the end of the briefing, Bar Lev and party chairman Merav Michaeli made a statement to the media in which they warned that amending the police order would lead to “power being given to the next minister that could make the police politicized.”

“The Israel Police is a body that must serve all the citizens of Israel. It must maintain the safety of every citizen, and ensure that the State of Israel is governed by the law and that there is equality before the law. What is written in the law is that the police are subject to the law of the State of Israel,” Michaeli said. “This bill comes to abolish the independence of the Israel Police, to abolish the independence of the Commissioner and to turn the Israel Police into a political police, which works at the service of whoever is the Minister of Police at the time.”

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According to her, “Itamar Ben Gvir wants a police that will serve him as a political service. He wants to be the one to decide which demonstrations will be approved and which will not, which investigation will be conducted and which will not, who will be prosecuted and who will not. We will not allow this kidnapping of the police. The State of Israel must not to become a political police state.”

Minister Bar Lev added that “this bill will crush the independence of the Israel Police. This is a proposal that will make the police completely controlled by politicians, in a way that will make the police a puppet on a string and the Commissioner a pawn. The meaning is simple – the destruction of the rule of democracy in the State of Israel.”

He also claimed that “the leading logic in this bill is the acceptance of the authority of the Minister of Internal Security with the Chief of Staff to the authority of the Minister of Defense with the Chief of Staff. But while the IDF is authorized and must use force and acts against enemies outside the country, the Israel Police is subject to the laws of the country and works for the citizens of the country.”

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“In the issues of individual freedom and events of expression, not only does the minister not have the authority to interfere in the police’s activities, the government is also prohibited by law from interfering in these issues,” concluded Bar Lev. “In this bill, they say that the next Minister of Internal Security has the authority to set policy regarding investigations, opening cases, and prosecution. In other words, if the minister decides that from today a Jew who prayed on the Temple Mount will not be removed from the Mount, he has this authority. He can also decide that the police will not Deal with incidents of Jews throwing stones at Arabs, or of youth from the hills attacking IDF soldiers.”

Uriel Barry participated in the preparation of the article

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