Michel Bouquet, Luc Montagnier, double standards?

by time news

EDITO – Illustrious actor of theater and cinema, Michel Bouquet offered for more than 50 years to thousands of people moments of escape and even, for some, opportunities for healing. The soulless, it must be admitted, can sometimes kill.

In this, that the President of the Republic pays him a national tribute, it is only justice.

However, for our political decision-makers, the well-being that culture can provide, for example, by chance, that of an unequaled interpretation of The Imaginary Invalid by Michel Bouquet, is obviously more valuable than the millions of sick that Professor Luc Montagnier will have, through his scientific work, saved.

Nobel Prize in medicine, an illustrious scientist whose career also lasted more than 50 years, Luc Montagnier, through his work, extricated from a physical torpor, which would have been inevitably fatal without his intervention, millions of people, this not simply for the very short time of brief moments of bliss, but definitely.

To use the words of Emmanuel Macron about Michel Bouquet during the national tribute paid to him at the Invalides, Luc Montagnier “reigned as a sacred monster” in his chosen field: science. Like Michel Bouquet, he too “revealed unsuspected aspects” and “opened up new breaches”.

In this, would it not have been fair for the President of the Republic to also pay him a national tribute? However, such was not the case.

I can’t help but think there’s a double standard here. Is there in France a State within the State or is it decided behind the scenes of the lodges who will benefit from a eulogy? If the State is supposed to embody the will of the French people and to thank the “great men” who served it, of what will is this other State the manifestation?

Let us be careful not to put these two great men in competition. But let’s keep in mind that the national tribute refused to Professor Montagnier cannot be forgotten.

Pr Montagnier, Michel Bouquet, rest in peace.

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