Michelle Bachelet visits Xinjiang for the UN, a boon for Chinese propaganda

by time news

The visit to China “long awaited” of Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, is she about to turn against her objective? wonders the The New York Times. The American daily tells how the “Chinese state media gave pride of place” at the meeting between the UN special envoy and the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, Wednesday, May 25, but by giving a version to say the least watered down.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, Michelle Bachelet said she admired “China’s efforts and achievements in eradicating poverty, protecting human rights and achieving economic and social development”. The UN High Commission denied this a few hours later, pointing out that Michelle Bachelet’s speech “did not mention any admiration for China’s human rights record.”

Bataille narrative

It’s a “striking illustration of the narrative battle around the visit of Michelle Bachelet, the first United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit China since 2005”. While preparing for this visit, the former president of Chile had mentioned a “opportunity to independently examine the rights situation in China, particularly in the Xinjiang region”.

Beijing leads in this region

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