Michos is guilty, the mother is innocent

by time news

The pivotal role of juries in case of the 12-year-old girl from Colonoswas highlighted yesterday through the decision issued by the Mixed Jury Court on the guilt of the 20 defendants (out of the 26 who sat on the bench) whom it found guilty on a case-by-case basis for offenses related to the sexual abuse of the minor and even for pimping her.

Specifically, with the majority of lay judges, i.e. the jury, o Ilias Michos he was found guilty, among other things, of raping the minor, as a result of which he is now facing even life imprisonment. On the contrary, the girl’s mother, again with the majority of the jury, was found not guilty of the serious crimes she was facing. The decision of the court, which was enthusiastically received by those gathered outside the Court of Appeal, thus completely contradicts what the prosecutor of the seat had proposed regarding the above two defendants.

The curtain, however, on this much-lauded trial, which was held behind closed doors for reasons of protection of the minor victim, is expected to fall next week. Specifically, on Monday morning, the public prosecutor will present to the court her proposal for the mitigations requested by those found guilty through their lawyers, and then the court will decide. After the decision on the mitigating factors, the prosecutor’s proposal for the penalties and the court’s decision on them will follow. As soon as the penalties are announced, the trial will be completed. Now regarding yesterday’s verdict of the members of the court – three regular judges and four jurors make it up – it was a “catapal” for Ilias Michos mainly in terms of its condemning part for the crime of raping the minor. The verdict of guilty for the offense of rape was reached by a regular judge and four jurors. On the contrary, two regular judges were of the opinion that the 55-year-old should be declared innocent of the above charge. Regarding this charge, for which Ilias Michos was finally found guilty, the district attorney had proposed a few days ago his acquittal due to doubts. However, the guilt of the accused for raping the minor is a “key” to the sentence that can be imposed on him. If he is not recognized as a mitigating factor, the court can even impose life imprisonment on him.

Furthermore, the court decided to declare the 55-year-old mini market owner guilty of abusing a minor who has not reached the age of 14. In addition, with the same decision, Ilias Michos was found guilty by majority for pornography of a minor as well as for illegal possession of weapons. The court also found the 55-year-old guilty by a marginal majority (4-3) for the crime of pimping at the expense of the child, which has been attributed to him. Instead, the specific defendant was acquitted of the crime of trafficking a minor.

Diametrically opposed to the prosecutor’s proposal, however, was the decision issued by the majority of the court for the mother of the minor. In particular, the 38-year-old was found not guilty by a majority of the jury for almost all of the accusations that had been attributed to her. The offenses for which she was acquitted based on the judgment of the four jurors concern the felonies of pornography and pimping at the expense of her daughter. Instead, the regular members of the court abstained, apparently taking the view that the defendant should be found guilty of the specific charges. The only crime for which the girl’s mother was found guilty is that of misdemeanor extortion against his now ex-husband Ilias Michos. On the contrary, the public prosecutor, with her proposal to the court, had asked for the defendant’s guilt for all the crimes that had been attributed to her. Finally, yesterday the court with its decision found the so-called “Michalis” guilty of the crimes of aggravated pimping and child pornography against the 12-year-old girl and acquitted him of the crime of attempted sexual acts.

For the remaining 23 defendants, the so-called “clients” of the 12-year-old, the court found 17 of them guilty on occasion of sexual acts with a minor performed or attempted and for child pornography.

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