Microcredit Alafia: the FNM warns of acts of fraud

by time news

The FNM (National Microfinance Fund) warns of acts of fraud against women beneficiaries of the Alafia microcredit program. Through a press release, the structure informs that “some [auteurs] have already been apprehended and deprived of their liberty”.

Individuals make “to pass for intermediaries of the National Microfinance Fund (FNM) [et] offer Alafia Microcredit granting services to women”says Louis Biao, director of the FNM.

To differentiate between scammers and partners involved in the funding program with the FNM, Biao has compiled a list of structures. “The only partners selected for the implementation of Alafia Microcredit remain the Decentralized Financial Systems which are: ALIDE, PADME, FINADEV, PEBCO-BETHESDA, SIA N’SON, Le DEFI, MODEC, MSFP, MDB, IAMD-Microfinance, COMUBA , AFRICA-FINANCES, CESCA, CFAD”, specifies the director of the FNM.

The beneficiary of the Alafia program receives as credit a sum of between 30,000 and 100,000 CFA francs maximum. “Apart from the application and training costs amounting to 400 CFA francs and insurance costs of between 360, 600 and 1,200 CFA francs for the respective credits of 30,000, 50,000 and 100,000 CFA francs, no more costs is required”, explains the director of the FNM.

Louis Biao calls for vigilance and to denounce via the green number 7320, any form of scam.

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