Microsoft PowerToys: what is it and what is it for

by time news

Microsoft is one of the largest technology companies in the market, responsible for the development of a series of devices and computer programs. Among them, we can highlight PowerToys: a software designed to customize the Windows operating system of the user’s PC. The application is aimed at those with advanced computer knowledge, due to the type of tools implemented and the ability to change the computer system. Understand more about the application below.

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What is Microsoft PowerToys?

Disclosure: Microsoft

Who has never wanted to customize all of Windows and even change the color of program windows? With Microsoft PowerToys, this configuration is possible. That’s because the software hosts a series of tools to increase the user’s productivity level and even customize the look of the Windows version.

PowerToys is a system developed by Microsoft and made available to users at no cost and for an indefinite period. It can be downloaded directly from the manufacturer’s store and is now available for the Windows 11 version. Among the features available, we highlight:

  • Pinning windows over other windows
  • Prevent the screen from going to sleep without prior settings
  • Choose colors for running apps
  • Create, manage and position custom window layouts
  • Edit ‘Hosts’ files
  • resize images

It is worth remembering that the software is indicated for users who have greater knowledge in computers, since they can fully understand the modifications that the program applies to the computer and even how to revert them in case of regret.

What’s New About Microsoft PowerToys

In addition to being available for the latest version of Windows, the manufacturer has already reported that it is working on a new program module. This update should allow the user to paste plain text more easily, without the need to access the right mouse button or the commands “Ctrl + Shift + V”.

The possibility of pasting plain text –– without using commands –– is something new in the Windows operating system. The software must provide a specific text application for this purpose, which may please some audiences.

With information: Microsoft.

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