Microsoft Teams Launches Two-Way Translation to Improve Multilingual Meetings

by time news

Microsoft Teams has introduced a new two-way translation feature, making it easier for professional interpreters to work and improving communication in multilingual meetings, available to preview users.

Microsoft Teams has recently introduced a new feature called two-way translation, which represents a significant improvement in the field of multilingual meetings. This innovation, currently available to users of the Teams Public Preview and of the Microsoft 365 Targeted releasepromises to make communication between different languages ​​much smoother, simplifying the work of professional interpreters.

Since 2022, Microsoft Teams has offered support for real-time interpretation, a feature adopted by millions of users to facilitate understanding during international meetings. However, the new two-way translation feature is designed to make this service even more efficient and flexible. With the new implementation, an interpreter will be able to translate in both directions between two languages ​​with a simple click, without the need for a second interpreter or additional equipment.

The interface has been designed to be simple e intuitive. When an interpreter joins a meeting on Microsoft Teams, receives a notification that highlights the language translation indicator at the bottom of the screen. This indicator indicates the language the interpreter is currently translating into, which is the language that other participants hear. If the interpreter want to change the direction from the translationcan do this easily by selecting a button that allows him to switch to the other language quickly.

This possibility of changing languages ​​during the meeting is a great advantage, as it simplifies interactions in contexts where there are participants of different nationalities. Another important aspect is that it is not necessary for all participants at the meeting are members of the preview to use this feature: only the interpreter needs to be a member, thus ensuring greater accessibility of the functionality.

Unlike machine translation, which is useful for more informal conversations or basic exchanges, the new two-way translation feature is primarily aimed at those who need greater accuracy in translation. professional interpretersin fact, they are able to grasp linguistic nuances that the translators automatic may not always understand, especially in business, government or diplomatic contexts where every word can have a significant impact.

Machine translation, already available on Teams, remains a valid alternative for those who want an immediate and convenient solution for basic understanding, but is not able to replace human interpretation in complex situations. For this reason, Microsoft wanted to improve its offering for companies and the organizations that operate internationally, providing them with an advanced tool to better manage multilingual meetings. With the addition of this new feature, Microsoft Teams confirms its commitment to offering instruments increasingly powerful and accessible to improve collaboration on a global level. The introduction of two-way translation represents a significant step forward for companies that find themselves managing international teams or conducting meetings with participants of different languages.

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