Microsoft Xbox Series X/S 2022Q1 sales beat PS5, but 2022Q2 will be affected by the new crown epidemic

by time news

Microsoft released the Xbox Series X/S at a similar time to Sony’s PlayStation 5, but the PlayStation 5 has overwhelmed the Xbox Series X/S for most of the time since the launch, with monthly, quarterly and annual sales around the world. , did not give the opponent any chance. This situation did not improve until more than a year after launch, and in late 2021, monthly sales of the Xbox Series X/S began to exceed the PlayStation 5 in individual regions.

Recent data shows that hardware sales of the Xbox Series X/S in March 2022 overwhelmed the PlayStation 5. Then Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella confirmed that the Xbox Series X/S not only beat the PlayStation 5 in recent monthly sales, but also beat each other in total sales in the first quarter of 2022. Microsoft can be said to be proud of the spring breeze. In addition to the good sales of the Xbox Series X/S, the development of Xbox Game Pass has also become more stable, and the game time has increased by 45% in the past year.

Microsoft Chief Financial Officer Amy Hood said that in the first quarter of 2022, Xbox business revenue increased by 4% year-on-year, and sales from hardware increased by 14%. However, the recent good situation of the Xbox Series X/S may encounter some obstacles. Due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, the relevant sales data are expected to decline in the next quarter. Microsoft’s affected hardware devices are not only the Xbox Series X/S, but also the Surface and other Windows device product lines.

In addition to its own efforts, the Xbox Series X/S’s No. 1 position is also related to the erratic supply of the PlayStation 5 over the past few months. In fact, due to various constraints on the supply chain, parts procurement and logistics for PlayStation 5 have become increasingly difficult since the second half of last year, and Sony has even revised its original sales target for this. In addition, the development and sales of PlayStation 5 games have not kept pace, affecting sales of PlayStation 5 hardware.


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