Migrants, expulsions doubled. Over 160 from January to today – Bolzano

by times news cr

2024-07-29 01:25:05

BOLZANO. There were ninety-one expulsions by order of the police commissioner to leave the national territory in the first six months of 2024. Almost double the fifty-one of the entire last year. Sixty-one, from January to today, expulsions with detention in a Repatriation Detention Center, whose lengthening of the stay from 3 to 18 months (based on the law issued last December) has paved the way for the actual repatriations of those arriving in the CPRs. Eight expulsions with physical escort to the border. Two, one of which in the past few days, removal orders issued against EU citizens. A total of 162 removals (in just seven months) compared to 134 in 2023.

The data speak for themselves, and the first months of work of the police commissioner Paolo Sartori show an extremely intense activity of the Immigration Office. The numbers were exposed yesterday, during a review of the police activities in the fight against illegal immigration. A topic, as Sartori himself underlined, «delicate and important». Furthermore, lately, also much discussed, in particular by various voluntary associations and solidarity movements towards migrants, who accuse the commissioner of having an attitude that is too harsh, and the “easy decree”. «I do not attack the poor», he responded to the critics, «but those who commit crimes. The law requires me to order those who reside illegally on the national territory to leave».

The highest number of expulsion decrees (91) concerns citizens who, despite not having committed crimes, are found to be illegal on the national territory. “In this case there is no forced removal – explained Sartori – but these people are formally invited to leave the country. If the person in question is stopped after seven days from the issuance of the provision, he or she can be sent to a CPR or accompanied to the border”.

In recent months, the Immigration Office has monitored the validity of residence permits held by foreign citizens, identifying any involvement in illegal activities. To date, 42,070 foreigners are legally resident in Alto Adige. During the monitoring activities, the police commissioner ordered the revocation of 92 residence permits, especially against citizens from Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia and Albania, who were found guilty of various types of crimes.

The permits issued

«The Immigration Office, with acting director Flaminia Giaccaglia, is making a great effort to ensure that those who are entitled to it can quickly obtain residence permits and the qualifications to work and live regularly in our territory», underlined the police commissioner.

Residence permits issued in the first seven months of 2024 in Bolzano were 10,041, including more than two thousand first releases, approximately six thousand renewals, and 1,500 updates of long-term permits. M.A.

2024-07-29 01:25:05

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