Mikaela Shiffrin and Aleksandar Aamodt Kilde now engaged

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Mikaela Shiffrin and Aleksandar Aamodt Kilde now engaged – SALZBURG24

Love news from Innsbruck

Ski stars show ring on Instagram

Screenshot/Instagram Mikaela Shiffrin and Aleksandar Aamodt Kilde got engaged.

The ski dream couple steps in front of the altar: Mikaela Shiffrin and Aleksandar Aamodt Kilde have announced their engagement on Instagram.

Mikaela Shiffrin and Aleksandar Received Source have gotten engaged, as they announced on their social networks on Friday night. The American double Olympic champion and the Norwegian, who was recently seriously injured, promised each other a long-term relationship in Innsbruck, as can be seen in the pictures posted on Instagram, among others. It will probably take some time until the wedding, as Kilde also revealed. “That will probably happen when we settle down, in a few years,” said the 31-year-old

The couple made their relationship public in May 2021. The previous month, Shiffrin had further cemented her status as the best ski racer in history with her 97th World Cup victory. Kilde, who won the overall World Cup in 2020, suffered a serious fall in Wengen and a very deep cut in his right calf.

The 29-year-old Shiffrin, who herself had to take a six-week break due to a knee injury, was at the injured man’s bedside to support his recovery. “In difficult times you realize who loves you and cares about you,” Kilde said during this time.

(Source: SALZBURG24/APA)

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