Miki is crowned following the rape in the fence: “I entered into anxieties and fears”

by time news

The children’s star Mickey is crowned revealed a difficult struggle she experienced following the support she gave to a gender-rapist, and told TMI about her feelings at an event held by the glasses chain CAROLINA LEMKE BERLIN and the beauty artist, Gili Elgabi. At the event, in honor of International Women’s Month, they launched the “DARE TO SHINE” exhibition. The event was held as a donation to the Ken’an Association, Women’s Power for the Promotion of Women’s Leadership in Israel. The event included a unique, feminine and inspiring photo exhibition in honor of International Women’s Day.

Miki Mokhtar in an interview with TMI (Photo: Kits Barbner)

“We are at a women’s exhibition photographed in collaboration with ‘Carolina Lemke’, which is actually a success story for every woman, she is successful in her field, she leads the way in her field, in Women’s Month which is the most exciting in the world.”

Where do you connect to that?
“I connect from my place, that I make children happy, convey to them the important things that I want to convey to them, my agendas, as a woman. And I think that we should use the power, not only when you are famous, not only to come to the photo shoots and launches – but also to convey a message Added to the actions you do.”

Which women do you admire and get inspired by?
“Tzipi Shavit – wow, you just showed me a picture, we did an article together. My mother, a woman who has been through a lot in her life, Hila Bar David, who is also here, a woman who led and still leads and does. I think that almost every woman – there is something to admire in her, from being She”.

On this day, the issue of sexual harassment comes up, which was recently extradited to Eretz Shai Avital. How did you feel about this issue, do you think there is a more correct treatment these days?
“I think there is more awareness. I think there used to be no awareness, there was some agreement that it was permissible to behave in a certain way, and today no one can cross the border, and whoever crosses the border will be punished for it.”

Miki Mokhtar (photo: Rafi Deloya)

Do you think that even in terms of the law and the state, things are being answered more?
“Yes. Any woman who has gone through something like this should not be afraid to go and complain, to say. The police are taking care of it. And the things themselves know that since the whole ‘Mi Tu’ period, things that once happened can no longer happen.”

You shared recently, after the publications about the rape in Gedra, that you were afraid to leave the house
“Yes, I accompanied the mother from Gedara, I heard stories there that I cannot tell here. But it affected me on a personal level, I entered into anxieties and fears. It scared me on a psychological level, to lock the door a hundred times, to be afraid to be at home, your safest place, because there It happened to her. Not in the alley, and not this… in her house.”

Does a case like this make you afraid to enter with your heart into such sensitive stories?
“I don’t have that much control over it. I don’t have a choice either. Even when I’m busy fighting for the children, I don’t think twice… ‘wait… it’s…’. It’s part of who I am and I think I’ve been given this role of being A star also with bringing added value and trying to influence what happens in the kindergartens as well.”

Tell me, what are you doing as part of the struggle?
“I am carrying a staff from the dust for the children, we accompany parents, victims of crime, expose cases. We help people who have gone through these cases, encourage, support, everything related to that.”

You recently shared that you were also offered to enter politics, do you have any thoughts on doing things from the public side?
“No. Not at the moment.”

How do you feel about the fact that the country is on fire around the issue of legal reform, people are afraid of democracy
“I think we need to calm down, lower the level of the flames, we don’t have another country, this is our country. It’s not just that everyone says ‘brother, brother’ this is our status and from here we will win.”

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