Milan: 180 marijuana plants seized in a nomad camp. PHOTO

by time news

Milan police: 180 marijuana plants seized in a nomad camp

The State Police and the Local Police, coordinated by the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office, in the context of activities aimed at the repression of drug trafficking in the province of Milan, have arrested a citizen of Albanian origin for cultivation and detention of 180 marijuana seedlings inside a wooden shack in the nomad camp of Vaiano Valle.

In recent days the agents of the anti-drug section of the Flying Squad, during the usual activities of the institute, have acquired the information that inside the nomad camp, in one of the wooden housing structures, a real plantation had been set up. marijuana. The first investigative activities made it possible to actually identify a hut suspected of being the one reported.

From investigations carried out by the Local Police Territory Problems Unit in recent months, for judicial police activities coordinated by the Deputy Prosecutor Clerici of the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office, it was found that the hut identified by the agents of the anti-drug section was the only one not inhabited but with the front door locked. Which had prevented the Local Police from ascertaining who the real user was. For this reason the judicial authority, holder of the criminal proceedings, at the request of the Flying Squad issued a search decree aimed at ascertaining the possible presence of drugs inside the hut.

In the early hours of yesterday, therefore, the Mobile Squad and the Local Police Territory Problems Unit broke into the Vaiano Valle camp and, inside the apparently uninhabited structure, they found the man of Albanian origin who had set up a real indoor plantation, with ventilation and cultivation systems, water and electrical systems and lamps, necessary to create the ideal environmental conditions for germinating cannabis seeds.

Inside the hut, about 180 seedlings already grown and ready for drying and another 500 pots with soil, probably necessary for further cultivation, were found and seized. The arrested person was associated with the security cells of the Police Headquarters waiting for today’s direct route.

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