Milan closes intensive care at the Fiera hospital: the last Covid patient discharged

by time news

The intensive careto of Milan City Fairopened in full Covid pandemic, will close as of Tuesday 1st March: last night thelast patient who was hospitalized in the pavilions and transferred to another facility for rehabilitation. Now that the hospital is empty, the facility will not accommodate any more. The equipment supplied to the Fiera Milano pavilions will then be transferred to other hospitals: the new Lombard emergency center is currently being assessed in the former Military Air Force Barracks in Gallarate, in the province of Varese. It was to announce it Letizia Morattivice president and councilor for welfare of the Lombardy Region.

They were hospitalized in the Fiera Milano hospital 530 patients of intensive care and have worked 500 professionals: the structure had opened inApril 2020in full first wave of Covid and had been closed for the first time in June 2020. It was subsequently reopened from October 2020 to June 2021 and, again, from December last year: it will close definitively on March 1st.

“I thank Fiera Milano and all the health workers, doctors, nurses, and the many volunteers who have worked in the emergency structure in these months of the fight against Covid” commented Letizia Moratti. “The extraordinary success of the vaccination campaign has contributed decisively to the drastic drop in infections and hospitalizations. I hope that the phase that starts with the return to the white zone of our Region is definitive. It is a victory to be ascribed essentially to the great civic sense of the Lombards ”.

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