Milda Kuizinaite. It is most dangerous to give small things

by times news cr

2024-07-21 16:39:05

For example, the Central Election Commission (CEC) made a threatening noise: Seimas member J. Pinskus and his wife Širvintos mayor Ž. Pinskuvienė bribed voters.

The CEC decided that the family of politicians violated the law at the 20th anniversary celebration of the women’s ensemble “Vilkesa”, where J. Pinskus gave the singers cups with his name and the logo of the Seimas. Ž. Pinskuvienė gave another 8 cups with the symbols of the Širvintos district not by herself, but through the elder.

The members of the CEC saw that Pinskas did not thank the ensemble members with the cups for the beautiful songs, but possibly sought their votes in the European Parliament elections, as the ensemble’s anniversary took place during the election campaign. Ž. Pinskuvienė claimed that the election officials despise the people of Širvinti so much that they can be bought for a cup, but these words were not taken into account by the Central Election Commission.

One way or another, the mayor assured that the members of the CEC will have work in the future as well – she indicated that in the coming days she plans to give 300 euros each to the best graduates of the school and celebrate the centenary at the expense of the municipality.

The mayor of Prienai, A. Vaicekauskas, recently became convinced that it is dangerous to reward beautiful songs with gifts. On the last day of the Song Festival, carrying boxes of food, he visited one of the capital’s schools, where the collectives of the district were staying. Although the mayor claimed that he did not bring alcohol to the performers, a passer-by saw glasses being raised through the open windows and called the police.

It turns out that the laws in Lithuania are violated only when giving small things, and it is completely different – solid gifts that are legal.

Here, the Vilnius District Court that examined the case of the former National Blood Center (NKC) did not even consider the facts that J.Bikulčienė, the head of the NKC at the time, received a pearl necklace from businessman A.Petrošias and drove around in his luxury Maserati car.

The court decided that the director of the institution and the businessman were in close contact, so these are only personal gifts.

2024-07-21 16:39:05

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