Milei appoints a former Nazi, who burned down a synagogue, as Treasury attorney

by time news

2023-12-01 20:24:05

Archive cover from 1996 of the Argentine magazine Noticias, where they did a long and extensive investigative article revealing Rodolfo Barra’s Nazi past.

Argentina is turning to the right, very far to the right. So much so that the electro president, the ultraliberal populist Javier Mileyappointed Rodolfo Barra, former Minister of Justice and former judge of the Supreme Court, Treasury Attorney in his future government. His return to the political scene has unleashed a fire in Argentina, due to his past Nazi, ultra-nationalist and anti-Semitic.

The news has sparked controversy due to Barra’s dark pastwho was involved in scandals related to his participation in attack a synagogue during his youth and his connection with Nazi and ultranationalist positions.

The revelation of his Nazi past by Página 12 in the late 90s marked Barra’s decline at that time, forcing him to resign from his position as Minister of Justice of the Menemist government. However, now, almost three decades later, Barra returns to the center of the political scene, raising doubts about the acceptance of this controversial character in the next government.

Barra’s appointment as Treasury Attorney has been confirmed by the Office of the President-Elect through social networks, generating mixed reactions in society. This return is not new for Barra, who, after his departure from the government of me too found refuge in the private sphere thanks to Eduardo Eurnekian, mentor of Milei, and his position as advisor to Aeropuertos Argentina 2000.

Barra’s history in public office is marked by his participation in the so-called “automatic majority” of the Supreme Court and his role as Minister of Justice, where he promoted controversial legislation such as the “Gag Law”, intended to limit the activity of the press. His administration was also marked by proposals that generated controversy, such as increasing penalties for slander and libel and prohibiting the publication of sworn declarations of assets of officials.

Movements against anti-Semitism do not want Barra in the government

It seems that Barra’s Nazi and anti-Semitic past did not faze Javier Milei, a converted Jew who openly professes his faith. The Argentine Forum against Antisemitism issued a strong statement in which it rejected the election of the leader, which they described as a “serious error.”

“From the Argentine Forum against Antisemitism, we express our deep concern and rejection of the appointment of Rodolfo Barra as Attorney General of the National Treasury of the next Government, which will take office on December 10. We consider this election as a direct affront to the democratic and plural spirit of our country,” reads the FACA statement issued hours after the news became known.

He adds: “It is inadmissible that a person with a background linked to the Tacuara Nationalist Movement, with tendencies close to Nazism, be appointed to a position of such relevance in our country. In view of the seriousness of this situation, we strongly demand the reconsideration of Rodolfo Barra’s appointment.”

“A new Government cannot begin its administration by harboring individuals who have professed anti-Semitism or any form of expression of hate in its ranks. We urge the authorities to take immediate measures to rectify this regrettable error and guarantee that democratic and inclusion principles prevail in public administration,” concludes the body that advocates for the elimination of hate speech against Judaism.

Rodolfo Barra and his militancy in the Tacuara Nationalist Movement

The Tacuara Nationalist Movement was a far-right political and social organization that emerged in Argentina in the 1960s. The group was characterized by its ideology nationalist, anti-communist, anti-Semitic, Nazi, and anti-imperialistand called himself a “defender” of values ​​and “national identity.”

The name “Tacuara” comes from a type of cane with which canes and spears used by gauchos in the 19th century were made. The movement adopted this name as a symbol of tradition and national resistance.

Tacuara was noted for his opposition to what they perceived as “foreign influences” and “communist infiltration” into Argentine society. Furthermore, they advocated social justice from an ultranationalist perspective, although their interpretation of these concepts was particular and controversial.

The organization carried out various terrorist activities, including demonstrations, propaganda and direct actions, totaling 43 attacks of different violence and nature. Over time, the Tacuara Nationalist Movement fragmented into smaller factions and lost relevance towards the end of the 1960s. Despite its short existence, it left a dark mark on Argentine history as a violent and radical political phenomenon that reflected the tensions and polarizations of the time.

#Milei #appoints #Nazi #burned #synagogue #Treasury #attorney

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