Milei decided that the Omnibus Law should not be discussed again in Congress and is analyzing dividing this initiative into several projects

by time news

On a day of fury in the Government, with Milei on an international tour, away from the stage of the National Congress, where the opposition yesterday dealt a hard blow to La Libertad Avanza, Zago confirmed in journalistic statements that the adventure of the megaproject is coming to an end. after the defeat, which showed that the meager libertarian troops in parliament are not enough to push the magnitude of the transformations. At least with the confrontational strategy that Milei adopted, far from negotiation and the search for consensus with the spaces willing to accompany the Government.

“The law will not be treated again as it was sent to the National Congress. The President has made the determination. He said that for them to destroy the law is not worth it and we are not going to deal with it again,” Zago told LN+ tonight.

Curiously, the LLA block head had previously expressed that the project was returning to committees to prepare a new opinion. A new contradiction of the Government, which in less than two months of administration has already added similar episodes, with announcements that are reversed almost instantly. A permanent delete tweet.

Milei’s blacklist of “traitors”

Zago thus confirms the possibility that had emerged last night, but that LLA did not want to confirm in the heat of the parliamentary dispute. Today Milei once again attacked the “traitors” and with the methods of escrache published the list of the deputies who voted against the articles that gave him special powers.

Milei said today from Israel that he gave “the order to lift the bill” of the “Bases” law that the Chamber of Deputies returned to committee, after “the political caste began to dismember” the initiative, within the framework of the special session called yesterday afternoon. And he added: “The reason why the project was sabotaged yesterday is because the discretionary allocations to the provinces fell by 98%, which explains the betrayal of the governors, who tell you that they want change as long as theirs does not exist.” is touched.”

The fight with the governors, key to the blow that the Government received, increases tension. The leaders pointed out the lack of interlocutors in the Casa Rosada and exposed the shortcomings in the negotiation process. At the last minute, Milei retweeted what he called an “unmissable thread” from the dubious consulting firm Vuelta de Obligado, which says that the fall of the law leaves him the winner, since it will allow him to “drown” the leaders, who will go now “ on our knees” funds in exchange for passing laws.

However, deputy Carlos D’Alessandro also mentioned the President’s idea of ​​governing without parliament. “We received news that the Executive does not plan to send any law during the current year,” he said.

Omnibus law: the UCR rejected Milei’s accusations and asserted that there is an incitement to violence against those who think differently

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