Milei denounced that a “choir of coughers” operated in the debate to cause it to overflow | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

2023-11-13 20:45:00

The candidate for president of La Libertad Avanza (LLA), Javier Milei, complained this Monday because in the debate at the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires the public that accompanied the candidate of Unión por la Patria (UxP), Sergio Massa, “it was a chorus of coughs,” interpreted that in this way they sought their “emotional overflow” and was satisfied because “they did not achieve it.”

This was stated in an interview that he gave early in the morning to Radio Continental and after having used the networks during the early hours of the morning to criticize Massa and call on those who “are still undecided” to vote for LLA for next Sunday’s runoff.

Despite complaining about those he defined as “coughers,” Milei said in his statements that he felt “very comfortable” during the debate and considered that, throughout the blocks, he was “establishing himself.”

“We finished very well,” he considered this morning and added: “I felt very good. I was very comfortable and, with the running of the blocks, I gained strength and we finished very well.”

Photo: Camila Godoy.

Thus, he considered having “broadly” met the objectives that had been proposed by LLA.

Despite this analysis, Milei understood that Massa sought to “attack him and try to do things” to get him “out of control”, with the supposed idea of ​​showing him “as someone unbalanced and not in a position to govern.”

“He sought that intensely, he was very aggressive, he had very offensive phrases towards me,” interpreted the libertarian candidate, who sought to victimize himself: “As the entire apparatus plays in favor of Massa, on his team he had a group of psychologists who were looking for points with which to attack me, and one of the things they achieved was that the audience that each one had, instead of being in the place where one was at the lectern, they placed them diagonally.

So, he said, “Massa’s audience was in front of me and, every time I had to speak, they started coughing, it was a chorus of coughs.”

“He was looking for an emotional overflow from me and he didn’t achieve it, even with the coughers, it is a no small issue,” he stressed.

Previously, from social networks and at dawn, Milei had warned her followers and her space that there are four days left “to convince those who are still undecided.”

In a post titled “what the debate left”, issued at 4:30 in the morning on the social network “and called to consider whether people “want to maintain this course or something different.”

In this framework, he said that, facing the runoff, “on one side” there is “a lying, cynical, coached, arrogant and arrogant politician who believes that the State belongs to him; and who wants to continue doing the same things that have been failing for a long time.” decades that only benefit the friends of power.

And he pointed out – in the same way that he maintained in the debate held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires – that “on the other side” there is “a group of citizens who got into the filth of politics to change this decadent reality.” for which Minister Massa is responsible”.

Meanwhile, early this Monday, in the interview he gave to Continental radio, the far-right candidate, when asked about the measures he would take if elected, indicated that the first would be to “refloat the agreement with the IMF” because -he maintained- Argentina “has the agreement fallen: it should have ended this year with a primary deficit of 1.9 and Massa took it to 2.9, and if you add the interests, we are between 14 and 15 points of GDP.”

Therefore, for Milei, Argentina “has to do something urgently; given the imbalance that is coming in December.”

In that sense, he stated that, if this issue is not put “quickly in order,” the country would be “entering hyperinflation between February and March, which is when the demand for money falls.”

He also stated that La Libertad Avanza has already “designed the reform of the State” and detailed: “We are going to launch it on December 10 at night so that it comes into action on Monday morning, to put the fiscal accounts in order and “start working on dismantling the Lelics issue and doing everything possible to avoid hyperinflation.”

The libertarian candidate also reiterated that his space is “having informal conversations with the IMF so that they are aware of our adjustment program and so that, when the time comes, they are prepared to see what we are doing.”

“We want to put our accounts in order and respect property rights,” he said.

On the other hand, he revealed that he will announce his eventual Minister of Economy “on Monday after winning the elections”, in reference to next Sunday’s runoff, in which he will face the candidate of Unión por la Patria, Sergio Massa. .

Cerrutti’s irony

The government spokesperson, Gabriela Cerruti, referred to the presidential debate for next Sunday’s runoff and, in reference to Javier Milei, criticized him for stating that he could not concentrate because there were people coughing during his presentation.

Cerruti recalled that a head of state has to lead a country, listed the delicate situations that can be faced when occupying the first magistracy and, then, ironically about the imbalance that the candidate of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) accused of feeling disturbed by spectators who were coughing

“Someone who wants to lead a country knows that they have to lead an army, overcome possible natural catastrophes or health crises, make hundreds of decisions per day, manage the economy in the midst of international market flows and unforeseen shocks, face internal and external enemies “Please don’t cough, it becomes unbalanced,” the official wrote on her networks.

#Milei #denounced #choir #coughers #operated #debate #overflow #Cuyos #diary

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