Military coup plotters coordinated attacks that started on Jovem Pan, says PF

by time news

By Alexandre Aragão

February 8, 2024, 1:35 pm

A report by the PF (Federal Police) shows that military personnel investigated for engineering an attempted coup d’état with the support of then-president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), such as lieutenant colonel and aide-de-camp Mauro Cid, allied themselves with commentator Paulo Figueiredo Neto, from Jovem Pan, to spread false information and tarnish the reputation of generals who opposed the breakdown of democracy.

The information is cited in the decision of the STF (Supreme Federal Court) minister Alexandre de Moraes, who authorized arrests and searches carried out by the PF this Thursday (8), within the scope of Operation Tempus Veritatis. Moraes banned Paulo Figueiredo from maintaining contact with the other people being investigated.

According to Moraes, the PF investigation shows that the military put into action a plan to carry out the coup d’état — “even emerging the tactic of attacking military personnel not aligned with the coup initiatives, also through the dissemination of fake news, all with the aim of inciting members of the military to turn against commanders who take a stand against the criminal intent.”

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BIPE Bolsonaro’s electoral disinformation would be used to justify coup, investigation shows

  • On November 28, 2022, Colonel Correa Neto organized a meeting, in Brasília, with other military personnel trained in the Special Forces course who supported the coup attempt, the so-called Kids Pretos;
  • According to the PF, “the investigation identified that Correa Neto acted as Mauro Cid’s ‘trusted man’, carrying out tasks outside the Palácio do Alvorada that the then aide-de-camp of the President of the Republic, due to his role, would not be able to carry out” .
  • On the same day, the colonel sent Cid a document that, according to the PF, was prepared during the meeting “with the purpose of being an instrument of pressure on the then Army commander, General Freire Gomes”;
  • Moraes classifies the document as a “manifesto from senior officers with a clear threat of armed action”;
  • In a message to Cid, Correa Neto wrote: “Watch Pongo nos Is today. The Prec, the Golden Spur and the Mustache will be exposed”;
  • “I know…. Hahahahaha”, responds Mauro Cid. “Do you know him?” he asks next;
  • “Who? If it is the PF [Paulo Figueiredo] no, but I know someone who does”, replied Correa Neto;

Scam on WhatsApp. Dialogue between Correa Neto and Mauro Cid shows that the colonel already knew that Jovem Pan commentator would expose generals (Reproduction)

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  • Still on November 28th, around 9:30 pm, commentator Paulo Figueiredo Neto stated on the program Os Pingos nos Is, on Jovem Pan, that “3 of the 14 [generais do Exército] have been openly involved in articulating against more direct, more forceful action by the Armed Forces”;
  • The generals whose names were mentioned by Figueiredo Neto — Tomás Miguel Miné Ribeiro Paiva, military commander of the Southeast; Richard Fernandez Nunes, military commander of the Northeast; and Valério Stumpf Trindade, chief of the Army General Staff — were the same ones that Colonel Correa Neto sought to expose, according to the exchange of messages he had with Mauro Cid that day;
  • In the following days, the generals became the target of online attacks. Posts alleged that they had links with Alexandre de Moraes and the elected president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), and had “betrayed the people at the door of the barracks”;

Between November 29 and December 3, 2022, the Radar To the Facts identified at least 39 shares of defamatory chains with photos and full names of the generals.

  • The texts accused the officers of being “watermelons” — a pejorative expression used to designate soldiers who were “communists” (wearing green on the outside, but red on the inside);
  • At the time, Bolsonaro supporters who did not accept the election results were camped in front of the barracks, asking for military intervention;
  • According to the PF, “the dialogues suggest (…) that those investigated were aware of the illegality of the conduct carried out and sought to suppress evidence that could incriminate them, in an action typical of a criminal organization”.

A PF report revealed in a previous decision by Moraes, in August last year, had already shown a connection between Paulo Figueiredo Neto and lieutenant colonel Mauro Cid, according to the To the Facts showed at the time.

Messages exchanged by Mauro Cid already showed that he reported the distrust between then-president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and members of the Army’s high command at the same time that Figueiredo began the wave of attacks.

At the time, retired general Eduardo Villas Bôas, former commander of the Army allied with Bolsonaro, came out in defense of the officers targeted in the campaign, but ended his position in a coup-like tone. “Our force, at some point, may be called upon to act,” he posted online.

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BIPE PF finds link between Mauro Cid and former Jovem Pan commentator who attacked generals We investigated YouTube channels had 31 million views even after being blocked by the Judiciary

Other side. In a live broadcast on YouTube, this Thursday afternoon (8), Figueiredo Neto stated: “I feel redeemed here. Justice, not the Justice of men, but Justice with a capital J ended up being done: it is there for everyone who wanted to see inside the decision of the [ministro] Alexandre [de Moraes]. I didn’t say anything out of my head. And the decision, I have to be very honest, is just a fraction of the people I talked to. In the months of November, December, October, I had no life. I didn’t have a weekend. It was all day long talking to civilian and military sources.”

“How can I pass on information received by military personnel as disinformation? Well, it’s information. Everything I said is confirmed by Alexandre’s decision”, he stated later.

“I imagine, possibly, that there were people inside [do governo Bolsonaro] If they even wanted a coup or military intervention, it is absolutely possible. Now, anyone who follows me on the other side must have seen me say dozens of times on air that I was against any type of coup, any type of military intervention.”

Gisele Lobato collaborated.

This text was updated at 5:24 pm on February 8, 2024 to include the demonstration by Paulo Figueiredo Neto.

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