Military operations against the ELN are reactivated

by times news cr

2024-08-08 04:04:42

Following the breakdown of the bilateral ceasefire with the ELN guerrillas, the criminal group allowed the mechanism to expire and stopped communicating with the government’s peace delegates. In response, Defense Minister Iván Velásquez confirmed that the Armed Forces have received clear instructions to act throughout the national territory.


During a political control debate in the First Commission of the Senate, Velásquez made the announcement with the aim of reassuring the Colombian population. “Whenever there is no ceasefire, offensive operations are resumed and that is the instruction of the commander of the Military Forces to all the forces of the country,” said the minister. He added that the priority is to protect the population from any terrorist act by the ELN.

Regarding the ELN’s request to be removed from the list of Organized Armed Groups, Velásquez explained that this should be analyzed by the peace negotiators under the guidelines of President Gustavo Petro. He indicated that, in the meantime, the Military Forces will resume their operations in the areas where the ELN operates to combat its criminal activities.

Decree 1117, which had established a bilateral ceasefire, was revoked at midnight on Saturday, August 3. Despite the Government’s efforts to extend it, the ELN cut off all communication and let the time expire. During this period, the guerrilla continued its criminal activities, benefiting from the situation while the Military Forces were limited.

The cooling of the dialogue with the ELN was due, in part, to the decision of the peace commissioner Otty Patiño to open a regional table with the Comuneros front, a dissident group of the ELN in Nariño. The Central Command interpreted this action as a breach of contract, which led to the freezing of the negotiations. Despite the Government’s repeated attempts to resume the dialogue, there were no concrete responses from the ELN, only criticism from Commander Antonio García.

Neither the UN nor the Catholic Church’s appeals succeeded in obtaining an extension of the ceasefire. The ELN Central Command reappeared on August 3 with a request that made it clear that there was no possibility of an agreement, and the ceasefire expired without consensus.

The future of the talks is uncertain. Although some sectors close to the negotiating table suggest that the process could continue without the ceasefire mechanism, there has been no contact between the parties.

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Amid this complex situation, communities affected by ELN violence have expressed concern about the increase in armed clashes and the impact this has on their daily lives. Human rights organizations have warned about the risk of forced displacement and the increase in human rights violations in the regions most affected by the conflict.

Gustavo Petro’s government has reaffirmed its commitment to peace and has stressed the importance of keeping channels of dialogue open. In a recent statement, the president emphasized that “peace is an unrenounceable objective for our government, and we will continue to seek all possible avenues to reach an agreement that will put an end to the armed conflict in our country.”

For its part, the ELN has maintained an ambiguous stance, combining calls for negotiation with acts of violence that complicate the peace process. The international community, including several countries that are guarantors of the process, has urged both parties to resume negotiations and work together to find a lasting solution to the conflict.

In an effort to strengthen support for affected communities, the government has announced a series of measures to improve security and humanitarian assistance in the areas most affected by ELN violence. These measures include increasing the presence of security forces, as well as implementing economic and social development programs to improve the living conditions of the population.

Defense Minister Iván Velásquez also highlighted the importance of international cooperation in the fight against the ELN, noting that “collaboration with our international partners is crucial to effectively confront the threats posed by illegal armed groups in our country.”

As the second half of the year progresses, the outlook remains uncertain. The hope for a peaceful solution to the conflict with the ELN faces numerous challenges, but the government of Gustavo Petro remains firm in its commitment to peace and security for all Colombians. The national and international community will closely follow developments in this process, in the hope that a lasting peace will finally be achieved.

This criminal group allowed the mechanism to expire and cut off communication with the Executive’s peace delegates.

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