Milpa Alta’s tradition, culture and economy are promoted with gastronomy

by times news cr

The local deputy for Morena Judith Vanegas called on citizens to attend the Corn Gastronomic Fair 2024 and to Live Milpa Alta FestivalThe invitation was also extended by the mayor of the district and women from indigenous communities in the area.

From the legislative precinct of Donceles, the Morena deputy extended an invitation to citizens to attend the XXII edition of the Tlacotenco Corn Gastronomic Fair 2024 and to Fourth Vive Milpa Festival so that they know the richness that the demarcation has in culture and gastronomy, as well as the constant effort of the inhabitants to preserve their traditions and continue with the circular economy that gives life to the demarcation.

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“Milpa Alta depends on a circular economy, it is a rural economy and we want it to continue to be preserved that way,” said the Morena legislator.

The gastronomic event will take place from September 7 to 18 in the community of Saint Anne Tlacotencocommunity of High Milpa which is recognized for its uses, customs and traditions, and which will feature the presentation of traditional dishes such as chileatole, esquites and corn bread, thus highlighting the use of this traditional ingredient.

The mayor of Milpa Alta, Victor Manuel Vanegas He pointed out that Milpa Alta is a municipality full of traditions and customs, and highlighted the importance of rural women, thus reaffirming the commitment to promote the circular economy.

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It should be noted that the demarcation doubled the financial support destined for this edition of the gastronomic fair in order to promote economic growth and positive impact on the community, for which they expect an attendance of approximately 3 thousand visitors and an economic impact of more than 3 million pesos.

For her part, the president of the Corn Fair, Temakhtiani Khakhayalzin He highlighted that they will have a wide variety of products based on corn, the central ingredient of the event that he heads in the community of Tlacotenco, in Milpa Alta.

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Meanwhile, the fourth edition of the Vive Milpa Alta Festival will take place from September 6 to 16 at the Plaza Malacachtepec Momoxco of the demarcation, and will seek to consolidate itself as a space for cultural, artistic and gastronomic expression for the region and the country.


2024-09-10 21:44:36

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