The data of the “ERGANI” Information System showed that private sector wage employment increased in May 2024as there is a positive balance of hiring and leaving by 126,660 jobs.

Specifically, based on the data of the flows of salaried employment in May 2024, the job postings totaled 375,153, while the departures in 248,493. Of the 248,493 total departures, 108,234 resulted from voluntary departures and 140,259 from terminations of open-ended contracts or expiry of fixed-term contracts.

An increase of 31,069

From the comparison of the data of the two months, May 2024 and May 2023, it follows increased performance by 31,069 more jobs for May 2024 (a positive balance of 126,660 jobs) versus a positive balance (95,591) in May 2023.

It should also be noted that May’s employment flow balance is always recorded positive and furthermore the May 2024 performance is the highest recorded positive May balance performance since 2001 to date.

In particular, for the period January-May 2024, recruitment announcements amounted to 1,373,453 jobs and departures reached 1,058,206, of which 609,693 were the result of termination of open-ended contracts or expiration of fixed-term contracts and 448,513 voluntary departures .

Thus, the balance of wage employment flows of the first five months of the year 2024 is positive and is formed at 315,247 new jobs, constituting the highest performance of the first five months of the year since 2001 to date.

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