Mini apartment fire: Tighten management, completely stop the fire source | Society

by time news

2023-09-17 10:58:27

The mini apartment building in Khuong Dinh ward, Thanh Xuan district – where the fire occurred is located in the middle of a crowded residential area. (Photo: Tuan Anh/TTXVN)

Hanoi city has the largest number of establishments under fire prevention and fighting management in the country.

To minimize fires and explosions in residential areas, high-rise buildings, especially mini apartments…, the involvement of the entire political system is needed; from identifying violations to tightening management to completely prevent fires.

The risk of fire and explosion is always hidden

A report from Hanoi City Police shows that from the beginning of the year to mid-August 2023, there were 144 fires in the area, killing 10 people and injuring 11 people; Property damage was initially estimated at about 4.6 billion VND, 6 hectares of forest.

From the beginning of September until now, Hanoi has had about 5 large and small fires. Among them, the most serious was the fire at mini apartment building No. 37, alley 29/70, Khuong Ha street, Khuong Dinh ward, Thanh Xuan district on the night of September 12 and early morning of September 13.

The mini apartment building has an area of ​​about 200m2, 9 floors high, one tum, and is home to about 150 people. The fire killed 56 people and injured 37 people.

Next, at 2:30 p.m. on September 13, in Hoan Kiem district, a fire suddenly broke out at a printer and projector facility on Ly Nam De street. Upon receiving the news, Hoan Kiem District Police quickly mobilized technical means, officers and soldiers to present at the scene to extinguish the fire.

Scene of the fire at the Printer and Projector Facility on Ly Nam De Street. Photo: Broadcast by VNA

At about 9:18 p.m. on September 15, a fire broke out at Quoc Oai High Quality Vaccination Center, Quoc Oai district. The fire quickly broke out, smoke and gas engulfed the entire house.

The Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police Force of Quoc Oai District Police arrived at the scene, combined with the local firefighting force to quickly approach the task. The fire was controlled and extinguished a few minutes later, causing no loss of life.

At about 9:20 a.m. on September 16, at a 6-story house at 28 Vu Trong Phung, Thanh Xuan district, a fire also broke out but was quickly extinguished by the police. There was no damage to people or property because the house was in the process of being repaired.

And yet, at 1:15 a.m. on September 17, people discovered a fire on the 3rd floor of a 6-story apartment building in Apartment D17-Dang Xa Urban Area, Gia Lam District. At this time, the fire flared up and created a lot of black smoke, causing residents to worry and run to the first floor.

The fire initially started from the altar area in the apartment and then spread to the wooden floor below. Service fire It was extinguished in time so it did not cause serious consequences.

Take a look at the fire and explosion situation in the city to see the very potential fire risk.

The cause of the fire and explosion was informed by Deputy Director of Hanoi City Police, Colonel Duong Duc Hai. At one time, up to 96% of fires in the area were caused by electrical short circuits or fires.

From the above facts, just a small mistake can turn into a fire, causing heavy damage to people and property.

[Những vụ cháy thương tâm ám ảnh cộng đồng trong những năm gần đây]

Also according to Colonel Duong Duc Hai, to raise people’s awareness about fire prevention and fighting, the city mobilized and propagated 102,034 households to combine production and business (reaching 94.1%), 1,496,239 households. housing (reaching 91.3%) opens “second escape route;” 620,938 households equipped themselves with portable fire extinguishers with a total of nearly 1 million extinguishers; 784,161 households equipped themselves with rudimentary demolition tools…

The city established and maintained the operation of 7,313 inter-family fire prevention and fighting safety groups; Construction and installation of 19,685 public fire fighting points.

However, a part of the people are still negligent in fire prevention and fighting, causing fires to always be hidden.

It can be easily seen that in some old apartments in the inner city, many people still burn joss paper in the hallway. And at the market, small traders “turn into gold” right at the grocery store.

It is worth mentioning that in mini apartments or boarding houses where many workers and freelance workers live, awareness of prevention and control Explosion very limit.

Cooking right in the living room is a normal thing. For profit or to reduce costs for each room, investors often install electrical wiring systems with small cross-sections that do not meet the capacity used.

The tenant wanted to reduce costs and invited more people to live with him. During the living process, he used an induction stove and an electric stove to cook, leading to an electrical overload, causing a fire…

Handling violations of “no prohibited areas”

Along with people’s subjective awareness, the risk of fire and explosion in Hanoi also stems from the loose management of a number of authorities responsible for supervising construction and evaluating fire prevention and fighting.

After the fire that occurred on Khuong Ha street (Thanh Xuan district), many opinions said that if there had not been laxity in the management of construction order, there would not have been over-floor construction, and there would not have been overloading of the infrastructure. social floor for a residential area.

The scene of a residential house fire on Thanh Cong street, Quang Trung ward, Ha Dong district, Hanoi on May 13, 2023, killing 4 people and injuring 1 person. (Photo: VNA broadcast)

Turning individual apartments into mini apartments increases the number of rooms and increases the number of residents. This contributes to increasing population pressure as well as disrupting the landscape in many areas, exposing the city’s urban environment to many challenges and risks, in which the danger of fire and explosion is a constant.

In 12 inner city districts of Hanoi, almost all wards have detailed planning of 1/500, thereby clearly showing what construction function each plot of land has, how many floors, and how much population.

Thus, planning can be seen as a tool for social management. According to statistics, in the capital there are about 2,000 mini apartments, among them, there are about many cases of construction order violations, posing a high risk of fire and explosion.

If not treated, “cut off” the project mini apartment Improper construction will have painful fire consequences.

Tightening the management of construction of mini-apartments and temporary boarding houses on illegal land will be one of the fundamental causes to help reduce the seeds of fires.

On the other hand, we must frankly admit that the agency with the function of supervising and inspecting fire prevention and fighting has not been decisive in preventing and suspending accommodation businesses that do not meet fire prevention conditions.

Preventing negative phenomena, acts that violate the law, and deviate from social standards is the responsibility of every citizen. Every citizen upholds the spirit of fighting against wrongdoing, reporting to the authorities about violations of fire prevention and fighting.

Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Tran Sy Thanh emphasized that after the fire disaster, there needs to be a change in awareness of party committees and authorities at all levels about fire prevention and fighting. Promote the role of the entire political system, especially the people, in fire prevention and fighting. If people do not support it, success is only half.

From September 15 to October 30, Hanoi General inspection of law enforcement for mini apartments and rental service establishments throughout the city, requiring “no prohibited areas, no exceptions,” thereby identifying violations crime, helping to prevent disasters from fires and explosions./.

Manh Khanh (VNA/Vietnam+)

#Mini #apartment #fire #Tighten #management #completely #stop #fire #source #Society

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