Mini table tennis tournament: Govt school girls excel

by time news


Udumalai: In the junior level table tennis competition, Pulawadi Government School girls won more places. The Udumalai junior level girls table tennis tournament was held at GVG, Women’s College. Udumalai Education District Officer Palaniswami inaugurated the competition. College Principal Rajeshwari was present. In the 14-year-old individual category, Ayana of Pulawadi Government Higher Secondary School stood first, Harini of Kaduar Government School stood second; In doubles, Govt. School Ayana, Darshana pair first, Pethapambatti RGM, School Chathurtya, Adira pair second. In 17-year-old individual category, Udumalai Govt Girls High School Pradeepa first, SKB, Dharani second. Doubles In the category, Phoolawadi Govt. School Yuthikashree, Karthika pair first, SKP, Dharani, Harsini pair second. In 19 years individual category, Phoolavadi Govt. School Sadhana first, Srinivasa Vidyalaya Srinisha second. In the doubles category, Sadhana and Pramelatha of Poolavadi Government School won first place.

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