The commissioner, who was speaking at the event commemorating the 48th anniversary of the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC), referred to the need for collaboration in the fight against crime between different institutions, such as SIC, National Police, Foreign Migration Services (SME), Penitentiary Services and other bodies.
During his intervention, Francisco Notícia spoke about the work carried out by the SIC, highlighting that, despite the difficulties faced, this operational body has improved, in recent years, in terms of strengthening resources and staff, training staff and improving infrastructures, which provides greater quality of service provided to society.
On the occasion, the director of the SIC in Cabinda, deputy commissioner Santos Miguel, announced the record of four thousand and 331 crimes, which occurred from November 2022 to the present date, of which three thousand and 368 were clarified.
Compared to the previous year, there was an increase of 1,020 cases.
He mentioned that theft, vehicle theft, especially from homes using firearms, currency counterfeiting, fuel smuggling, possession and sale of drugs (liamba) and cocaine were among the crimes. PL/VC