Minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher lives in a house belonging to the Dassault family

by time news

Accused Tuesday of conflicts of interest, we learn this Wednesday from Politico that the Minister of Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, is domiciled with her companion in a house of the Dassault family, very active in the economic sector, in particular industrial.

According to Politico, this domiciliation dates back to 2021, when Agnès Pannier-Runacher was a candidate for the regional elections in Hauts-de-France. For this, she had to find a roof in the region, and had officially moved in with her companion, then her chief of staff, Nicolas Bays.

We discover today that the house in which the couple lives has been owned since 2017 by the family of Olivier Dassault. The children and the widow of this former LR deputy, who died in 2021 in the crash of his helicopter, still own it today via an SCI, according to documents consulted by the online media. Nicolas Bays, former PS deputy from Pas-de-Calais, told Politico that he had since “undertaken steps with this SCI to acquire this property”.

The minister did not know the owner, she defends herself

“Agnès Pannier-Runacher moved in with her new companion in Lens in May 2021, who had occupied this property since 2017. She had no knowledge of the owner of the house, only knowing that her companion paid rent each month,” said the entourage of the Minister for Energy Transition with the newspaper. As Politico points out, Agnès Pannier-Runacher said she regretted the loss of a “delicate friend” during the death of Olivier Dassault.

PCF Secretary General Fabien Roussel asked Agnès Pannier-Runacher for “an exercise in transparency” on Wednesday, the day after the revelations of Disclose and Investigate Europe. According to this journalistic investigation, the children of the minister hold shares in a company whose funds are partly domiciled in tax havens.

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