Minister Benny Gantz’s Speech on the One-Month Anniversary of ‘Iron Swords’ War

by time news

N12 | Published 07/11/23 18:36

The chairman of the state camp, Minister Benny Gantz, gave a speech this evening (Tuesday) in Kirya in Tel Aviv, in the full month of the “Iron Swords” war. In his speech, Gantz referred to the abductees, promising: “We will do everything to bring them home. by force and by political action. We will fight whoever we have to and talk to everyone we can. We will not give up the chance to return anyone and no one.”

Minister Gantz addressed the international community and threatened that Hamas members, including child killers, will not be immune: “There is no place where child killers hide that will be immune.” In response to the question of whether this also applies to Ismail Haniyeh who is visiting Turkey, he replied: “Hamas is a murderous organization that has no right to exist, and we need to pursue its people and leaders wherever they are. They have sealed their fate, and it is only a matter of time.”

“A month ago – we were surprised. Then we stood up, fought, stopped, united. So many heroes, so many recruits, so many Israelis rose from the disaster – to defend this country,” Gantz said at the beginning of his speech. “From rescue battles in Bari and Ofakim, we are now attacking deep in the Gaza Strip. Our enemies thought they would break us, but they united us. At the 30th anniversary, we fight and mourn. We build gravestones for our loved ones and an iron wall in front of our enemies. An entire nation carries the concern and embraces over 200 families whose daughters and their sons are in captivity.”

“We thank all our friends in the world for their support, especially the USA, which not only backs up with words – but also with actions,” added Gantz. “We will not forget this. On the other hand, I say to the international community – there is no place where child killers are hiding that will be immune. You also called on the residents of Gaza to move to shelter in the south, to listen to the IDF’s announcements and not to imprison themselves in the death traps of Hamas.”

“We are in a multi-arena war. The focal point is Gaza – but we are fighting defensively and offensively both in the north and in other places,” Gantz continued. “We attack in the depth of the enemies. Anyone who thinks we are running equations should learn the multiplication table. I also promise the residents of the north, you will be able to live in your homes with security and hope. The law of Tula is the law of Tel Aviv and the law of Kfar Gaza. Even if it takes time – this is the order of our existence.”

“This war is unlike anything we have experienced in the past – we are required to fight in the depths of the terrain against an enemy who turns hospitals and schools – into military camps and warehouses of military weapons. The enemy before us has no human image – and turns children and women into human shields. I understand and pain all the difficulties of The evacuees, the business owners, and of course the families of the abducted and the missing, the families who lost their loved ones and those who are dealing with physical and mental injuries. Israeli society stands bravely in its matriculation test. I would like to tell all parts of society – there will be time for demonstrations, discussions, investigations – about everything. Now is the time to fight and win – that’s all.”

Regarding the day after the war, the minister said: “Already today, it is important to talk about what will happen ‘the day after,’ even at home. After we stop, and it will take a long time – we will salute and mourn the loss of so many heroes. After this war, Israel will remain scarred, but Israel Be united. We will turn the war scars that will remain on the body of every Israeli citizen into signs of heroism. We will turn the painful memories into lessons and a commandment – to remember that we are all together – in bad, but also in good. With God’s help – “We will see the other days. And we’ll see them sooner than we think.”

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