Minister does not want HIV prevention pill PrEP: ‘It is incomprehensible’

by time news

Incomprehensible. Aidsfonds – Soa Aids Nederland thinks this of the decision of health minister Ernst Kuipers not to further expand the pilot with the HIV prevention pill PrEP. “We cannot understand why a drug that is safe and effective and saves healthcare costs is not used sufficiently,” said Mark Vermeulen, director of the Aidsfonds – Soa Aids Nederland.

Through a pilot project, 8,500 people are now receiving the pill, which can prevent contracting HIV. The project will run until mid-2024 and Kuipers will make a decision around the summer. The minister concluded “cautiously that the signals are green for the continuation of PrEP care” after the pilot.

GPs do not always want to prescribe PrEP

But at the moment, according to the fund, more than three thousand people are on waiting lists to also get the pill. “The alternative – PrEP via the GP – is usually not available in practice because many GPs do not want to prescribe PrEP. In addition, not everyone can afford the cost of PrEP care through private providers.”

In his letter, the minister acknowledges that people on the waiting list are now contracting HIV, according to the fund. “PrEP is one of the indispensable means to definitively stop the spread of the HIV virus, giving more people access to PrEP brings the end of the HIV epidemic closer. Given the rising healthcare costs, this is not unimportant,” says Vermeulen.

The number of people in the pilot has already been increased once before, from 6500 to 8500. However, the minister does not see any further expansion for the time being due to a lack of money and people.

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Minister does not want HIV prevention pill PrEP: ‘It is incomprehensible’

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