Minister Levin to the left: “What happened will not happen again. But we will not act like you, we will give you a hand”

by time news

The Minister of Justice, MK Yariv Levin, clarified this evening (Monday) from the stage of the Knesset that the Judiciary Basic Law will be passed in its entirety and all the demonstrations and protests will not help.

Levin, in his words, attacked the left and said that even when the right is in power, the left controls – controls the media and academia. Yariv Levin ruled and stated: “What was – will not be again”, and also noted that “the one who made a coup d’état – is Aharon Barak”.

During his speech, the minister elaborated: “Tonight, masses of citizens are standing up, whose voices were not heard for decades by the justice system, which was blind to their needs, which underestimated them.

Tonight I stand with great determination to ensure that from now on their voices are heard. will be heard in the legal system, and as a result also in other places, in academia, in the media, places where today’s discourse is one-sided, it ignores the great majority of Israeli citizens.”

The minister went on to say: “I would like to address the shameful campaign of intimidation that is being carried out regarding the reform, which I am leading together with the chairman of the Constitutional Committee, MK Simcha Rothman, whom I would like to thank.

The false claims that are heard in this matter, I hear them, the false claims about the end of democracy, you know it – that what we are doing is to return democracy, to return Israel to the family of democratic states, as it is in the entire Western world.”

Finally he said: “There is real terrorism. In which country has such a media? Such a court? Such an academy? The condition to participate in them is to express one opinion only. This is the situation you have degraded Israel to and want to keep Israel in.

When Aharon Barak staged a coup – did he even tell anyone? Is he having a discussion with someone? No. When you handed over territory to Lebanon, an enemy state, you did not agree to hold a discussion or vote. What a double standard. We will not behave like you – I want to give you a hand.

There is no country in the world where the ombudsman decides. There is no country where they decide that fundamental laws are a constitution. Not even half of the members of the Knesset participated in the vote. And yet they decide that there is authority to interfere with the constitution. Give me one court in the world – one, that puts itself above the constitution and says I can change it. There is no country where the judges appoint themselves.”

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