Minister of Hydraulics and Sanitation brings relief to flood-affected residents in Touba

by time news

Touba, July 20 (APS) – The Minister of Hydraulics and Sanitation, Cheikh Tidiane Dieye, visited Touba (center) on Saturday to provide government assistance to the population of the neighborhood affected by the heavy rains recorded in recent days, APS said.

“I came to go to the bed “The population of some districts of Tuba were affected by floods for several days following heavy rains,” he said.

He expressed himself At the end of his visit to Touba where he was welcomed by Ibrahima Fall, Governor of the Diarbel region, Abdou Lahat, Mayor of Touba, and representatives of regional, departmental and municipal services.

During his visit, Cheikh Tidiane Dièye took a great interest in the most severely affected district of Nguiran. He expressed the solidarity of the President of the Republic, Bassirou Dioumié Diakhar Faye, the entire government and the people of Senegal with the affected residents and assured them that the authorities “will always be at their side”.

Believing it was “not possible for the new government to solve all recurring problems in a few months”, he declared that measures would be taken to alleviate the population’s difficulties.

Sheikh Tidiane Dieye observed firsthand the progress of the work being carried out in front of Touba’s town hall, indicating that it will be accelerated this week in order to completely free the two access roads to the holy city.

He also visited the Nguelemou Basin, where he said he saw that work, which had been interrupted due to delayed payments to companies, had resumed following the immediate release of funds. “Today this work is being accelerated,” he said, expressing happiness.

In Keur Niang, Cheikh Tidiane Dieye inspected the pumping station and the retention basin, whose pumping capacity will increase from 2,800 m³ to 6,000 m³ in the next two or three days. He stressed the need to increase this capacity as soon as possible to reduce flooding and provide relief to the population.

Finally, the Minister praised the resilience of the residents of Touba, especially the young people who are mobilizing to help the community by pumping water and cleaning flooded areas.

Cheikh Tidiane Dieye announced the donation of pumping materials and equipment to support them and plans to meet with several associations of the religious city in Dakar to develop an action plan to complement the existing plan, to be implemented under the support of the governor, mayor and all local stakeholders.

Emphasizing the importance of solidarity and cooperation to overcome the current challenges, the Minister concluded: “We will always be with them.”

Minister of Hydraulics and Sanitation brings relief to flood-affected residents in Touba


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